
Detailed description of how the Stripe plugin works and its configuration.


The primary integration path through Stripe.js is with Elements, which enables you to collect sensitive payment information using UI components.


This plugins allows to add the Stripe elements in your app.

Inbound events

Collect payment information

Collect card information on the client with Stripe.

var setupIntent =;
var publicKey = app.endpoints.stripe._configuration.publishableKey;

    scope: 'plugin:stripe',
    name: 'collectPaymentInformation',
    data: {
       publicKey: publicKey,
       title: 'Card Information',
       dataSecret: setupIntent,
       elementType: 'card',
       elementOptions: null
    callbacks: {
      onSuccess: function(originalMessage, callbackData) {
        sys.logs.debug("Here is the original message for onSuccess");
        sys.logs.debug("Here is the callback data for onSuccess");
      onFail: function(originalMessage, callbackData) {
        sys.logs.debug("Here is the original message for onFail");
        sys.logs.debug("Here is the callback data for onFail");

This script opens the a modal to collect the payment information.

publickKey The public key can be generated in the dashboard of your Stripe app.

title The title to be displayed in modal header.

dataSecret is an object that represents your intent to set up a customer’s card for future payments.

elementType The type of element you are creating.

elementOptions Options for updating given type element.

The following callbacks can be defined:

  • onSuccess: The PaymentMethod was successfully setup.

  • onFail: Error when try to setup a PaymentMethod.

Handle card action

Handle Card Action is manual confirmation flow to handle a PaymentIntent with the requires action status. It will throw an error if the PaymentIntent has a different status.

var clientSecret = '....';

    scope: 'plugin:stripe',
    name: 'handleCardAction',
    data: {
       publicKey: publicKey,
       clientSecret: clientSecret
    callbacks: {
      cardActionCallback: function(originalMessage, callbackData) {
        sys.logs.debug("Here is the original message for cardActionCallback");
        sys.logs.debug("Here is the callback data for cardActionCallback");

publickKey The public key can be generated in the dashboard of your Stripe app.

clientSecret The client secret of the PaymentIntent to handle.

The following callbacks can be defined:

  • onSuccess: The message with result object:

    • result.paymentIntent: a PaymentIntent with the requires_confirmation status to confirm server-side.
    • result.error: an error. Refer to the API reference for all possible errors.

Outbound events

This plugin does not have outbound events.