Slingr tooltip

Detailed explanation of the slingr tooltip component and it's settings.

The <slingr-tooltip> custom HTML element enables developers to add tooltips over the content of their web applications. This tag allows for the display of additional information when a user hovers over a specific area, enhancing the user experience by providing contextual details.


<slingr-tooltip message="${message}" position="${position}">


  • message: (Required) Specifies the text content of the tooltip. This can include plain text or HTML for more complex content.

  • position: (Optional) Specifies the position of the tooltip relative to the target element. The tooltip can be displayed in one of the following positions:

    • top
    • right
    • bottom
    • left

    If not specified, the default position is bottom.

  • content: (Required) Refers to the content of the tooltip trigger, which is the hoverable area. When the user hovers over this content, the tooltip becomes visible.


<slingr-tooltip message="This is a tooltip" position="top">
  Hover over me

<slingr-tooltip message="Another tooltip" position="right">
  Hover over me too