
This type of widget represents a Template block that can be useful for create custom UI blocks.

ℹ️ This widget can only be configured in Flex record views


The available settings are described as below:


This represents the human-readable widget name.


This is the internal widget name, used as for database storage within entities.

The name must not contain special characters or spaces; only letters and numbers are allowed.


Indicates the visibility of the widget, can be configured with the following options:

  • Always: The widget is perpetually accessible.

  • Script: When the script returns true, the widget becomes accessible; otherwise, it remains inaccessible. Here’s the script’s context:

    recordsys.data.RecordThis record is linked to the ongoing operation.

    boolean - You should return true if there is access to the widget, false otherwise.

    // if 'numberOfExmployees' is bigger than 10, then this field is visible
    return record.field('numberOfEmployees').val() > 10;

  • Expression: The widget becomes accessible if the expression evaluates to true. More information is available in the Expressions documentation.

  • Never: The widget will never be accessible.

Model script

In the model, the variables that you want to expose to the view are calculated, in this way the values ​​can be bound. This is expressed through a script that returns a Javascript object as a result.


The view is described via HTML. Here the developer can mix expressions from the template language. Also, it can make use of the HTML API to render custom components.