General documentation for the automatic generated REST API for Slingr apps. Security and authentication. Data manipulation.

The Slingr API provides a versatile means of interacting with your app’s data, executing actions, checking job statuses, reviewing logs, and more, all via a straightforward REST interface. Essentially, anything that can be accomplished through the app’s user interface can also be achieved using these web services.

The Slingr API adheres to REST principles, although there may be some variations. Our primary data format is JSON.

To access the Slingr API, you can make requests to the following endpoint:



  • <appName> is the name of your app.
  • <env> is the name of the environment, such as dev or prod.

Please note that HTTPS must always be used. Attempting to access our API via HTTP will result in an error.

All API requests should include the following headers:

    - Content-Type: application/json
    - Accept: application/json
    - token: <token_received_after_login>

General error codes

Here is a list of common HTTP status codes used in the Slingr API along with their descriptions:

HTTP Status CodeDescription
200OK: The request was successful, and there are no errors.
400Bad Request: The request is invalid. This can occur due to validation errors in the data you are sending or because the requested operation is not valid.
401Unauthorized: You are not authorized to access this resource. You need to log in or the provided authentication token is not valid.
403Forbidden: You have valid credentials, but you are attempting to access data or perform an operation for which you do not have the necessary permissions.
404Not Found: The resource you are trying to access does not exist.
409Conflict: This error occurs in the case of an optimistic locking exception. It happens when two users attempt to update the same record simultaneously, and the second user to make the update receives this error.
500Internal Server Error: An unexpected internal error has occurred. If you encounter this error, please contact our support team as it indicates an issue on our end.
503Service Unavailable: This error is returned when the application is undergoing maintenance and is temporarily unavailable.

For specific details on errors related to each API method, please refer to the documentation for that specific method.


Before you can make requests to the Slingr API, you must log in and obtain a valid token. Follow the steps below to acquire and utilize the token.

To obtain a token, make a POST request to the following URL:

POST /auth/login

This method has no additional parameters, and the request body should have the following structure:

  "email": "",
  "password": "abcdefgh"

The response will resemble the following:

  "app": "appname",
  "adminUserEmail": null,
  "ip": "::ffff:",
  "userEmail": "",
  "userName": "User Test",
  "userId": "57fce0c3e4b0ce322b0c06b2",
  "token": "eLJjYSjLUPLlIEe8lfJUOmzsVNvSRpOv"

It will include the following fields:

Field NameDescription
appThe code of the app to which the token belongs.
adminUserEmailThis field is used when impersonating another user. Refer to the following section for more details.
ipThe IP address from which the user logged in.
userEmailThe email address of the user you have logged in with.
userNameThe full name of the user you have logged in with.
userIdThe unique identifier of the user you have logged in with.
tokenThe most critical field, containing the token necessary for subsequent API requests. Keep in mind that this token may expire, so ensure your integration can handle token expiration.

Once you have acquired the token, include it in the header of every API request as follows:

GET /data/companies
> Accept: application/json
> token: eLJjYSjLUPLlIEe8lfJUOmzsVNvSRpOv

Be aware that tokens have a limited lifespan, typically expiring after 8 hours of inactivity. However, they may expire sooner due to maintenance or other internal tasks. If your token expires, you will receive a 401 error, indicating that you need to log in again.

Please ensure the security and confidentiality of your access token, as it provides authentication to your Slingr account.

Impersonating other users

Developer users or users with the appropriate permissions, such as the “manage groups” flag, have the capability to impersonate other users for various purposes. To perform user impersonation when logging in, you should include the following structure in the request body:

  "email": "",
  "password": "manager_password",
  "emailImpersonatedUser": ""

  • username: Your own username for authentication.
  • password: Your own password for authentication.
  • emailImpersonatedUser: The email address of the user you wish to impersonate.

When you provide the emailImpersonatedUser field in the request body, you will log in as the specified user with their permissions and privileges. This feature is particularly valuable for testing and administrative purposes, allowing authorized users to perform actions on behalf of different users.

Ensure that user impersonation is used responsibly and only by users with the necessary permissions to prevent any unauthorized actions within the system.

The token response will include fields that reflect the impersonation scenario. Here’s an example of what the response might look like:

  "app": "appname",
  "adminUserEmail": "",
  "ip": "::ffff:",
  "userEmail": "",
  "userName": "Employee Test",
  "userId": "57fe52ade4b0ce322b0cea32",
  "token": "NE8lUuA2Yi9K6gL9EaQaTLIQLvYIhIyv"

Possible errors

When making login requests to the API, you may encounter the following error codes and their corresponding HTTP status codes along with their descriptions:

Error CodeHTTP Status CodeDescription
unauthorized401This error is thrown when the provided credentials are invalid. It can occur when either the user email does not exist or the password does not match.
notFound404Indicates that the user you are trying to impersonate does not exist.
forbidden403If the credentials are valid but you are not allowed to log in. This can happen due to various reasons, such as IP restrictions or attempting to impersonate a user without sufficient permissions.
badRequest400Denotes a malformed request. For instance, this error occurs when the mandatory fields such as email and password are not provided in the request.
applicationUnavailable503If the application is currently suspended or undergoing maintenance. Developer users may still have the capability to log in despite this condition.

These error codes provide specific information about the issues encountered during the login process and can help troubleshoot any authentication problems effectively.

App data

For each entity within the app, a set of methods is automatically generated. For instance, if there is an entity named companies, the following methods will be available:

GET /data/companies
GET /data/companies/{id}
PUT /data/companies/{id}
POST /data/companies
DELETE /data/companies/{ids}

These fundamental operations are available for every entity and enable you to perform common CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on your app’s data.

The structure of the data returned or manipulated by these methods is determined by the fields defined within each entity. For example, when fetching a company record, the response will resemble the following:

  "id": "57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665",
  "version": 379,
  "label": "Browsezoom",
  "name": "Browsezoom",
  "state": "pending",
  "type": "a",
  "numberOfEmployees": 95,
  "isCustomer": false,
  "contactInformation": {
    "phoneNumber": "1-702-845-9380",
    "email": "",
    "id": "58837fdd3b063a0007603547",
    "label": "Contact Information"
  "addresses": [
      "addressLine": "4 Magdeline Place",
      "zipCode": "89145",
      "city": "Las Vegas",
      "state": "NV",
      "id": "57fd45aee4b0ce322b0c86aa",
      "label": "NV - 89145"
  "homepage": "",
  "taxId": "350-KWM",
  "rating": "2.8",
  "notes": "modified notes",
  "lastMeeting": 1429623180000,
  "lastUpdate": 1485012900000

There are basically two types of fields:

  • Record fields: Record fields are fields defined within each entity of your app. The format and characteristics of these fields depend on the data type assigned to them during entity creation. The types can include text, numbers, dates, and more. For specific details about the types and their format, please refer to the types documentation.

  • System fields: System fields are inherent to every record in your app and are automatically included. They provide essential information about the record and are crucial for various functionalities. The system fields include:

  • id: This is the unique identifier for each record. It is used to distinguish one record from another.

  • label: The label field contains the record’s label, which is generated based on the instance label expression defined within the entity. This label is often used for display purposes and makes it easier to identify records.

  • version: The version field represents the record’s version and is primarily used for optimistic locking. Optimistic locking ensures that record updates are synchronized and avoids conflicts when multiple users attempt to modify the same record simultaneously.

Understanding both record fields and system fields is essential for effectively working with your app’s data and ensuring the integrity and consistency of your records. You can incorporate this revised information into your documentation to provide a clear distinction between record fields and system fields and their respective roles in your app’s data.

Basic operations

Read one record

GET /data/{entityName}/{id}

Reads one record by ID

GET /data/{entityName}/{id}
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

entityNameYes-The name of the entity to which the record belongs.
idYes-The unique identifier (ID) of the record you want to fetch.
_fieldsNoallBy default, all fields of the record will be fetched. If you want to specify which fields to retrieve, you can pass this parameter. You can list multiple fields separated by commas, for example:


Note that system fields (e.g., id, version, etc.) will always be returned.
_formatNonativeSpecifies the format in which to fetch the fields. There are two options:
- native: Returns the raw values of each field.
- plainText: Returns the values of the fields converted using the display option of each field.
_relationshipsToFetchNo-A comma-separated list of relationship fields to be fetched within the record. For instance, if an entity has relationship fields named company and region, you can fetch those referenced records like this:



The JSON representation of the record is returned. More info about the format can be found here.

GET /data/{entityName}/{id}
< Content-Type: application/json
  "id": "57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665",
  "version": 1,
  "label": "label",
  "fieldA": "value",
  "fieldB": "value"
  "fieldC": "value"

Posible errors
Error codeHTTP status codeDescription
forbidden403Provided token does not have permissions to access this record.
notFound404Either entity or record ID does not exist.
fetches one company record

GET /data/companies/57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

GET /data/companies/57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665
< Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665",
  "version": 379,
  "label": "Browsezoom",
  "name": "Browsezoom",
  "state": "pending",
  "type": "a",
  "numberOfEmployees": 95,
  "isCustomer": false,
  "contactInformation": {
    "phoneNumber": "1-702-845-9380",
    "email": "",
    "id": "58837fdd3b063a0007603547",
    "label": "Contact Information"
  "addresses": [
      "addressLine": "4 Magdeline Place",
      "zipCode": "89145",
      "city": "Las Vegas",
      "state": "NV",
      "id": "57fd45aee4b0ce322b0c86aa",
      "label": "NV - 89145"
  "homepage": "",
  "taxId": "350-KWM",
  "rating": "2.8",
  "notes": "modified notes",
  "lastMeeting": 1429623180000,
  "lastUpdate": 1485012900000

List records

GET /data/{entityName}

Reads many records from one entity. You can specify filters and other options in the URL.

More information about queries can be found in Query language.

GET /data/{entityName}
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

entityNameYesName of the entity the record belongs to.
idNoYou can find information about other parameters in Query language.

A list of records in JSON representation will be returned.

GET /data/{entityName}
< Content-Type: application/json

  "total": 10,
  "offset": "57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8565",
  "items": [
      "id": "57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665",
      "version": 1,
      "label": "label",
      "fieldA": "value",
      "fieldB": "value"
      "id": "57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8565",
      "version": 1,
      "label": "label",
      "fieldA": "value",
      "fieldB": "value"

totalThe total number of records matched. If there are more than the records returned, you should use pagination to fetch more records.
offsetThe offset to pass to get more records.
itemsThis is the list of records fetched.
Posible errors
Error codeHTTP status codeDescription
badRequest400Query is not valid.
forbidden403Provided token does not have permissions to access this entity or some of the fields you are querying by.
notFound404Entity name does not exist.
// fetches fields name and type of two companies in pending status

GET /data/companies?state=pending&_fields=name,type&_size=2
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

GET /data/companies?state=pending&_fields=name,type&_size=2
< Content-Type: application/json

  "total": 135,
  "offset": "57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8565",
  "items": [
      "id": "57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665",
      "version": 379,
      "label": "Browsezoom",
      "name": "Browsezoom",
      "type": "a"
      "id": "57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8565",
      "version": 375,
      "label": "Blogpad",
      "name": "Blogpad",
      "type": "b"

Create record

POST /data/{entityName}

Creates a new record for the given entity.

Data is sent in the body and should be valid according to the entity structure and fields rules.


The body of this request should be a record in JSON format based on the entity structure.

All fields you are sending have to be present in the entity definition and values have to match the format required by the type. Also, there might be validation rules you have to take into account.

POST /data/{entityName}
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

  "fieldA": "value",
  "fieldB": "value"
  "fieldC": 10,
  "nestedFields": [
      "innerA": "value",
      "innerB": "value"
      "innerA": "value",
      "innerB": "value"

entityNameYesName of the entity the record will be added to.

The response is the same as if you do a GET /data/companies/{id}, which means that you will be able to get the ID and label of the created record, as well as other calculated/default fields the entity might have.

POST /data/{entityName}
< Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "588775f63b063a0007604f4c",
  "version": 0,
  "label": "label",
  "fieldA": "value",
  "fieldB": "value"
  "fieldC": 10,
  "nestedFields": [
      "id": "588775f63b063a0007604f4c",
      "label": "label",
      "innerA": "value",
      "innerB": "value"
      "id": "588775f63b063a0007604f8a",
      "label": "label",
      "innerA": "value",
      "innerB": "value"
  "calculatedField": "value"

Posible errors
Error codeHTTP status codeDescription
validationErrors400If there are validations errors, the response will look like this:
 “code”: “validationErrors”,
 “message”: “There are validation errors”, 
 “errors”: [ 
     “field”: “name”, 
     “fieldLabel”: “Name”, 
     “code”: “required”, 
     “message”: “This field is required”, 
     “additionalInfo”: null 
      “field”: “state”, 
      “fieldLabel”: “State”, 
      “code”: “invalid”, 
      “message”: “Not a valid choice”, 
      “additionalInfo”: { 
           “rejectedValue”: “sdfsdfsd” 

In this case you will get details information about the field having issues, the error code and a human readable description of the error. Additional information might be added depending on the type of error, for example the rejected value.
forbidden403Provided token does not have permissions to create records on this entity.
notFound404If entity name does not exist.
// creates a new company

POST /data/companies
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

  "name": "Test 1",
  "state": "pending",
  "type": "a",
  "numberOfEmployees": 95,
  "isCustomer": false,
  "contactInformation": {
    "phoneNumber": "1-702-845-9380",
    "email": ""
  "addresses": [
      "addressLine": "4 Magdeline Place",
      "zipCode": "89145",
      "city": "Las Vegas",
      "state": "NV"
  "homepage": "",
  "taxId": "350-KWM",
  "rating": "2.8",
  "notes": "test notes",
  "lastMeeting": 1429623180000

POST /data/companies
< Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "588775f63b063a0007604f4c",
  "version": 0,
  "label": "Test 1",
  "name": "Test 1",
  "state": "pending",
  "type": "a",
  "numberOfEmployees": 95,
  "isCustomer": false,
  "contactInformation": {
    "phoneNumber": "1-702-845-9380",
    "email": "",
    "id": "588775f63b063a0007604f4a",
    "label": "Contact Information"
  "addresses": [
      "addressLine": "4 Magdeline Place",
      "zipCode": "89145",
      "city": "Las Vegas",
      "state": "NV",
      "id": "588775f63b063a0007604f4b",
      "label": "NV - 89145"
  "homepage": "",
  "taxId": "350-KWM",
  "rating": "2.8",
  "notes": "test notes",
  "lastMeeting": 1429623180000,
  "lastUpdate": 1485272566096

Update record

PUT /data/{entityName}/{id}

Updates a record data.

Data is sent in the body and should be valid according to the entity structure and fields rules.


To update a record via the API, you should provide a JSON-formatted record in the request body. The fields you include in this JSON body must align with the structure defined in the entity. Additionally, the values must conform to the format required by the data type assigned to each field. Be aware that there might be validation rules enforced by the entity that you need to adhere to.

Key points to consider when sending an update request:

  • You can specify only the fields you wish to update. Fields that are not included in the JSON request body won’t be modified. If you want to clear a field’s value, set it to null explicitly.

  • An essential field to mention is version, which signifies the version of the record you are updating. This field is crucial for managing concurrency issues, especially when two users attempt to update the same record simultaneously. (Refer to the optimistic locking section below for further details.) If you do not provide the version field, your update will always overwrite existing data, regardless of other user modifications.

Please make sure to structure your update requests accordingly, taking into account the entity’s schema, data type requirements, and any validation rules in place.

PUT /data/{entityName}/{id}
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

  "version": 1,
  "fieldA": "newValue",
  "fieldB": "newValue",
  "nestedFields": [
      "id": "588775f63b063a0007604f4c",
      "innerA": "newValue"
      "id": "588775f63b063a0007604f8a",
      "innerB": "newValue"

entityNameyesName of the entity the record will be added to.
idyesThe ID of the record to update. If you provide the ID on the body it will be discarded and the ID sent in the URL parameter will be used.

The response is the same as if you do a GET /data/companies/{id}, which means that you will be able to get the ID and label of the created record, as well as other calculated/default fields the entity might have.

PUT /data/{entityName}/{id}
< Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "588775f63b063a0007604ab2",
  "version": 0,
  "label": "label",
  "fieldA": "newValue",
  "fieldB": "newValue"
  "fieldC": 10,
  "nestedFields": [
      "id": "588775f63b063a0007604f4c",
      "label": "label",
      "innerA": "newValue",
      "innerB": "value"
      "id": "588775f63b063a0007604f8a",
      "label": "label",
      "innerA": "value",
      "innerB": "newValue"
  "calculatedField": "value"

Posible errors
Error codeHTTP status codeDescription
validationErrors400If there are validations errors, the response will look like this:
 “code”: “validationErrors”,
 “message”: “There are validation errors”, 
 “errors”: [ 
     “field”: “name”, 
     “fieldLabel”: “Name”, 
     “code”: “required”, 
     “message”: “This field is required”, 
     “additionalInfo”: null 
      “field”: “state”, 
      “fieldLabel”: “State”, 
      “code”: “invalid”, 
      “message”: “Not a valid choice”, 
      “additionalInfo”: { 
           “rejectedValue”: “sdfsdfsd” 

In this case you will get details information about the field having issues, the error code and a human readable description of the error. Additional information might be added depending on the type of error, for example the rejected value.
forbidden403Provided token does not have permissions to create records on this entity.
notFound404If entity name does not exist.
optimisticLocking409If another user modified the data in the middle. This can be determined only if you provide the version field.
// updates a few fields in a company record

PUT /data/companies/588775f63b063a0007604f4c
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

  "version": 1,
  "state": "active",
  "type": "b",
  "numberOfEmployees": 100

PUT /data/companies/588775f63b063a0007604f4c
< Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "588775f63b063a0007604f4c",
  "version": 2,
  "label": "Test 1",
  "name": "Test 1",
  "state": "active",
  "type": "b",
  "numberOfEmployees": 100,
  "isCustomer": false,
  "contactInformation": {
    "phoneNumber": "1-702-845-9380",
    "email": "",
    "id": "588775f63b063a0007604f4a",
    "label": "Contact Information"
  "addresses": [
      "addressLine": "4 Magdeline Place",
      "zipCode": "89145",
      "city": "Las Vegas",
      "state": "NV",
      "id": "588775f63b063a0007604f4b",
      "label": "NV - 89145"
  "homepage": "",
  "taxId": "350-KWM",
  "rating": "2.8",
  "notes": "test notes",
  "lastMeeting": 1429623180000,
  "lastUpdate": 1485288240000

Delete one record

DELETE /data/{entityName}/{id}

Deletes a record from the database. You won’t be able to recover the deleted record (except that you have enabled audit logs for that entity).

DELETE /data/{entityName}/{id}
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

entityNameyesName of the entity the record belongs to.
idyesID of the record to delete.
_asyncnoThis parameter indicates whether the deletion should be executed in the background, which is necessary if the execution is expected to take more than 30 seconds. When you set this parameter to true, the response from this method will provide a reference to the job responsible for executing the deletion.

The response will vary based on the async parameter. There are two possible responses:

  • Record: If the async parameter is set to false, this method will return the deleted record.

  • Job Reference: If the async parameter is set to true, the method will return a reference to the job responsible for executing the deletion process. Once the job is completed, you can retrieve the process’s response from the job’s results.

Posible errors
Error codeHTTP status codeDescription
forbidden403Provided token does not have permissions to delete this record.
notFound404Either entity or record ID does not exist.
// deletes one company

DELETE /data/companies/588775f63b063a0007604f4c
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

DELETE /data/companies/588775f63b063a0007604f4c
< Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "588775f63b063a0007604f4c",
  "version": 10,
  "label": "Test 1",
  "name": "Test 1",
  "state": "active",
  "type": "b",
  "numberOfEmployees": 100,
  "isCustomer": false,
  "contactInformation": {
    "phoneNumber": "1-702-845-9380",
    "email": "",
    "id": "588775f63b063a0007604f4a",
    "label": "Contact Information"
  "addresses": [
      "addressLine": "4 Magdeline Place",
      "zipCode": "89145",
      "city": "Las Vegas",
      "state": "NV",
      "id": "588775f63b063a0007604f4b",
      "label": "NV - 89145"
  "homepage": "",
  "taxId": "350-KWM",
  "rating": "2.8",
  "notes": "test notes",
  "lastMeeting": 1429623180000,
  "lastUpdate": 1485288240000

// deletes one company in the background

DELETE /data/companies/588775f63b063a0007604f4c?_async=true
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

DELETE /data/companies/588775f63b063a0007604f4c?_async=true
< Content-Type: application/json

  "jobLink": "/api/status/jobs/5887b6f23b063a0007604fa8",
  "jobId": "5887b6f23b063a0007604fa8"

Delete many records

DELETE /data/{entityName}/{ids}

This method allows you to delete multiple records from the database. It’s important to note that once records are deleted, they cannot be recovered unless you have enabled audit logs tracking for the respective entity.

Upon initiating this method, a job will be created to handle the record deletions in the background. While the method itself returns immediately, you can monitor the status of the job to determine when it completes.

DELETE /data/{entityName}/{ids}
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

entityNameyesName of the entity the records belongs to.
idyesIDs of the records to delete separated by commas.
_asyncnoThis parameter indicates whether the deletion should be executed in the background. This is necessary if either the execution is expected to take more than 30 seconds or if you intend to delete more than 1,000 records.
When you set this parameter to true, the method’s response will provide a reference to the job responsible for executing the deletion.

The response varies depending on the value of the _async parameter. There are two possible responses:

1. Map with Records (if _async is false): If the _async parameter is set to false, the result will be a map. Each record’s ID will serve as the key, and the corresponding value will be a map containing fields for the status and response (which represents the deleted record in JSON format). In case of an error, the value will contain an errorMessage.

2. Job Reference (if _async is true): When the _async parameter is set to true, the method returns a reference to the job responsible for executing the deletion process. Once the job is completed, you can find the response of the process within the job’s results.

Posible errors
Error codeHTTP status codeDescription
forbidden403Provided token does not have permissions to delete records on this entity.
notFound404If the entity name does not exist.
// deletes two companies

DELETE /data/companies/57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665,57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8565
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

DELETE /data/companies/57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665,57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8565
< Content-Type: application/json

  "57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665": {
    "status": "ok",
    "response": {
      "id": "57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665",
      "version": 381,
      "label": "Browsezoom",
      "entity": {
        "id": "57fce228e4b0f6600fdfb836",
        "name": "Companies"
      "name": "Browsezoom",
      "state": "pending",
      "type": "a",
      "numberOfEmployees": 95,
      "isCustomer": false,
      "contactInformation": {
        "id": "58837fdd3b063a0007603547",
        "label": "Contact Information"
        "phoneNumber": "1-702-845-9380",
        "email": ""
      "addresses": [
          "id": "57fd45aee4b0ce322b0c86aa",
          "label": "NV - 89145",
          "addressLine": "4 Magdeline Place",
          "zipCode": "89145",
          "city": "Las Vegas",
          "state": "NV"
      "homepage": "",
      "taxId": "350-KWM",
      "rating": "2.8",
      "notes": "modified notes",
      "lastMeeting": 1429623180000,
      "lastUpdate": 1485292080000
  "57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8565": {
    "status": "ok",
    "response": {
      "id": "57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8565",
      "version": 377,
      "label": "Blogpad",
      "name": "Blogpad",
      "state": "pending",
      "type": "b",
      "numberOfEmployees": 534,
      "isCustomer": false,
      "contactInformation": {
        "id": "581224c8e4b0285870237cc5",
        "label": "Contact Information",
        "phoneNumber": "1-405-298-5885",
        "email": ""
      "addresses": [
          "id": "57fd45aee4b0ce322b0c86ac",
          "label": "OK - 73157",
          "addressLine": "4 Crownhardt Plaza",
          "zipCode": "73157",
          "city": "Oklahoma City",
          "state": "OK"
      "homepage": "",
      "taxId": "123-ABC",
      "rating": "3.3",
      "notes": "Aenean fermentum. Donec ut mauris eget massa tempor convallis. Nulla neque libero, convallis eget, eleifend luctus, ultricies eu, nibh.",
      "lastMeeting": 1422111300000,
      "lastUpdate": 1485292500000

// deletes two companies in the background

DELETE /data/companies/588775f63b063a0007604f4c,588775f63b063a0007604f8b?_async=true
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

DELETE /data/companies/588775f63b063a0007604f4c,588775f63b063a0007604f8b?_async=true
< Content-Type: application/json

  "jobLink": "/api/status/jobs/5887b6f23b063a0007604fa8",
  "jobId": "5887b6f23b063a0007604fa8"

Delete records over query

DELETE /data/{entityName}

This method is used to delete all records that match a specified query. It’s important to note that once records are deleted, they cannot be recovered unless you have enabled audit logs tracking for the corresponding entity.

Upon initiating this method, a job will be generated to handle the deletion of the records in the background. While the method itself returns promptly, you have the option to monitor the job’s status to determine when the deletion process is complete.

DELETE /data/{entityName}
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

entityNameyes-Name of the entity records belongs to.
queryParametersno-These are the query parameters. See Query language for more information.
_asyncno-This parameter indicates whether the deletion should be executed in the background, which is necessary if the execution is expected to take more than 30 seconds or you want to delete more than 1,000 records. When you set this parameter to true, the response from this method will provide a reference to the job responsible for executing the deletion.
_lowPriorityno-Sets job as low priority will make the deletion only happen when there are no many jobs running.

The response varies depending on the value of the _async parameter. There are two possible responses:

1. Map with Records (if _async is false): If the _async parameter is set to false, the result will be a map. Each record’s ID will serve as the key, and the corresponding value will be a map containing fields for the status and response (which represents the deleted record in JSON format). In case of an error, the value will contain an errorMessage.

2. Job Reference (if _async is true): When the _async parameter is set to true, the method returns a reference to the job responsible for executing the deletion process. Once the job is completed, you can find the response of the process within the job’s results.

Posible errors
Error codeHTTP status codeDescription
forbidden403Provided token does not have permissions to delete records on this entity.
notFound404If the entity name does not exist.
// deletes companies with type 'a'

DELETE /data/companies?type=a
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

DELETE /data/companies?type=a
< Content-Type: application/json

  "57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665": {
    "status": "ok",
    "response": {
      "id": "57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665",
      "version": 381,
      "label": "Browsezoom",
      "entity": {
        "id": "57fce228e4b0f6600fdfb836",
        "name": "Companies"
      "name": "Browsezoom",
      "state": "pending",
      "type": "a",
      "numberOfEmployees": 95,
      "isCustomer": false,
      "contactInformation": {
        "id": "58837fdd3b063a0007603547",
        "label": "Contact Information"
        "phoneNumber": "1-702-845-9380",
        "email": ""
      "addresses": [
          "id": "57fd45aee4b0ce322b0c86aa",
          "label": "NV - 89145",
          "addressLine": "4 Magdeline Place",
          "zipCode": "89145",
          "city": "Las Vegas",
          "state": "NV"
      "homepage": "",
      "taxId": "350-KWM",
      "rating": "2.8",
      "notes": "modified notes",
      "lastMeeting": 1429623180000,
      "lastUpdate": 1485292080000

deletes companies with type 'a' in the background

DELETE /data/companies?_async=true&type=a
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

DELETE /data/companies?_async=true&type=a
< Content-Type: application/json

  "jobLink": "/api/status/jobs/5887b6f23b063a0007604fa8",
  "jobId": "5887b6f23b063a0007604fa8"

Optimistic locking

Optimistic locking is a feature designed to prevent inadvertent overwriting of changes made by other users to a record. It accomplishes this by utilizing a record version, represented as a numerical value that increments each time a record undergoes modification.

When updating a record, if you include the version field within the request body and this version does not match the record’s current version on the server, the operation will result in a 409 error. This mechanism effectively safeguards against unintentional overwrites of changes made by other users.

If the version field is omitted from the request, no version control will be applied, potentially leading to the unintentional overwriting of changes made by others. Consequently, it is strongly recommended to always include the version field when updating records.

Aggregate queries

PUT /data/{entityName}/aggregate

You can perform aggregation operations like count, sum or average.

For detailed documentation please check Aggregate queries.


The request’s body contains the chain of operations to execute over the entity records. For more information please check documentation for Aggregate queries.

PUT /data/{entityName}/aggregate
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

  {"operation1": "settings"},
  {"operation2": "settings"},
  {"operationN": "settings"}

entityNameYesName of the entity the record belongs to.

The result of the aggregation is returned. The format is specific to the aggregation done, so please check the documentation for Aggregate queries.

Posible errors
Error codeHTTP status codeDescription
badRequest400Aggregation query is not valid.
forbidden403You are trying to aggregate data you don’t have permissions to read. This applies at the entity level, record level and field level.
// counts the number of skills per company

PUT /data/contacts/aggregate
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

  {"project": "company,numberOfSkills"},
  {"group": {"by": "company", "totalSkills": "sum(numberOfSkills)"}}

PUT /data/contacts/aggregate
< Content-Type: application/json

  "total": 6,
  "items": [
      "company": "Trudoo",
      "totalSkills": 1
      "company": "Riffwire",
      "totalSkills": 3
      "company": "Snaptags",
      "totalSkills": 2
      "company": "Edgeify",
      "totalSkills": 0
      "company": "Flipopia",
      "totalSkills": 3
      "company": "Rooxo",
      "totalSkills": 4


Execute action over one record

PUT /data/{entityName}/{id}/{actionName}

Execute an action over one record.


When the action includes parameters, you can send these parameters within the request body. The format should follow the same structure as when creating or updating records. However, in this context, instead of fields, you should provide the parameters relevant to the action.

In cases where the action does not require any parameters, you can simply leave the request body empty.

PUT /data/{entityName}/{id}/{actionName}
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

  "param1": "value",
  "param2": value

entityNameyesName of the entity the record belongs to.
idyesID of the record to execute the action on.
actionNameyesThe name of the action that has to be executed.
_asyncnoThis parameter indicates whether the deletion should be executed in the background, which is necessary if the execution is expected to take more than 30 seconds. When you set this parameter to true, the response from this method will provide a reference to the job responsible for executing the deletion.
This parameter will override the default configured in the action.

The response varies based on the action type and the _async parameter. There are three possible response scenarios:

1. Record Response (if _async is false and the action type is ‘One record’): When _async is set to false and the action does not return a custom response, this method will return the updated record. This scenario is applicable only to actions of type ‘One record.’

2. Custom Action’s Response (if _async is false and the action returns a custom response): When _async is false, and the action returns a custom response, that specific response will be returned. Note that actions of type ‘Many records’ should always provide a custom response. If they do not return anything, an empty response will be generated.

3. Job Reference (if _async is true): In cases where _async is set to true, the method will return a reference to the job responsible for executing the action. Once the action is completed, you can locate the response of the action within the job’s results.

Below, you can find examples illustrating each of these response types.

Posible errors
Error codeHTTP status codeDescription
badRequest400If request is not allowed. For example, pre-conditions in the actions are not met.
forbidden403You don’t have permissions to execute the action or you don’t have permissions for the record.
notFound404Either entity or record ID does not exist.
// executes a simple action over a company record, no custom response

PUT /data/companies/57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665/logSomething
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

    "param1": "a",
    "param2": "b"

PUT /data/companies/57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665/logSomething
< Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665",
  "version": 381,
  "label": "Browsezoom",
  "name": "Browsezoom",
  "state": "pending",
  "type": "a",
  "numberOfEmployees": 95,
  "isCustomer": false,
  "contactInformation": {
    "id": "58837fdd3b063a0007603547",
    "label": "Contact Information",
    "phoneNumber": "1-702-845-9380",
    "email": "",
  "addresses": [
      "id": "57fd45aee4b0ce322b0c86aa",
      "label": "NV - 89145",
      "addressLine": "4 Magdeline Place",
      "zipCode": "89145",
      "city": "Las Vegas",
      "state": "NV"
  "homepage": "",
  "taxId": "350-KWM",
  "rating": "2.8",
  "notes": "modified notes",
  "lastMeeting": 1429623180000,
  "lastUpdate": 1485292080000

// executes a simple action over a company record in the background, no custom response

PUT /data/companies/57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665/logSomething?_async=true
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

    "param1": "a",
    "param2": "b"

PUT /data/companies/57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665/logSomething?_async=true
< Content-Type: application/json

  "jobLink": "/api/status/jobs/588f3e65b45fc9000bc1baa7",
  "jobId": "588f3e65b45fc9000bc1baa7"

// executes an action that works with many records and returns a custom response

PUT /data/companies/57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665/countEmployees
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

PUT /data/companies/57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665/countEmployees
< Content-Type: application/json

    "numberOfEmployees": 95

Execute action over many records

PUT /data/{entityName}/{ids}/{actionName}

Execute an action over many records. The action will be executed in each record one by one if the action is of type One record.


When the action includes parameters, you can send these parameters within the request body. The format should follow the same structure as when creating or updating records. However, in this context, instead of fields, you should provide the parameters relevant to the action.

In cases where the action does not require any parameters, you can simply leave the request body empty.

PUT /data/{entityName}/{ids}/{actionName}
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

  "param1": "value",
  "param2": value

entityNameyesName of the entity the record belongs to.
idsyesIDs of the records to execute the action on separated by commas.
actionNameyesThe name of the action that has to be executed.
_asyncnoThis parameter indicates whether the deletion should be executed in the background, which is necessary if the execution is expected to take more than 30 seconds or if it is applied over more than 1,000 records. When you set this parameter to true, the response from this method will provide a reference to the job responsible for executing the deletion.
This parameter will override the default configured in the action.

The response varies based on the action type and the _async parameter. There are three possible response scenarios:

1. Map with Records (if _async is false and the action type is ‘One record’): When _async is set to false, and the action does not return a custom response, the result will be a map. Each record’s ID serves as the key, and the corresponding value includes fields for the status and response (representing the record as JSON) or an errorMessage in case of an error. This applies specifically to actions of type ‘One record.’

2. Custom Action’s Responses (if _async is false and the action returns a custom response): When _async is false, and the action returns a custom response, a map is returned with each record’s ID (for each record) serving as a key. Each key is associated with a map containing the status (“ok” or “error”) and a response field containing the custom response. Note that actions of type ‘Many records’ should always provide a custom response. If they do not return anything, an empty response will be generated.

3. Job Reference (if _async is true): In cases where _async is set to true, the method will return a reference to the job responsible for executing the action. Once the action is completed, you can find the response of the action within the results of the job.

Below, you can find examples illustrating each of these response types.

Posible errors
Error codeHTTP status codeDescription
forbidden403You don’t have permissions to execute the action.
notFound404If the entity name does not exist.
// executes a simple action over two company records, no custom response

PUT /data/companies/57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665,57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8565/logSomething
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

    "param1": "a",
    "param2": "b"

PUT /data/companies/57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665,57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8565/logSomething
< Content-Type: application/json

  "57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665": {
    "status": "ok",
    "response": {
      "id": "57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665",
      "version": 381,
      "label": "Browsezoom",
      "entity": {
        "id": "57fce228e4b0f6600fdfb836",
        "name": "Companies"
      "name": "Browsezoom",
      "state": "pending",
      "type": "a",
      "numberOfEmployees": 95,
      "isCustomer": false,
      "contactInformation": {
        "id": "58837fdd3b063a0007603547",
        "label": "Contact Information"
        "phoneNumber": "1-702-845-9380",
        "email": ""
      "addresses": [
          "id": "57fd45aee4b0ce322b0c86aa",
          "label": "NV - 89145",
          "addressLine": "4 Magdeline Place",
          "zipCode": "89145",
          "city": "Las Vegas",
          "state": "NV"
      "homepage": "",
      "taxId": "350-KWM",
      "rating": "2.8",
      "notes": "modified notes",
      "lastMeeting": 1429623180000,
      "lastUpdate": 1485292080000
  "57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8565": {
    "status": "ok",
    "response": {
      "id": "57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8565",
      "version": 377,
      "label": "Blogpad",
      "name": "Blogpad",
      "state": "pending",
      "type": "b",
      "numberOfEmployees": 534,
      "isCustomer": false,
      "contactInformation": {
        "id": "581224c8e4b0285870237cc5",
        "label": "Contact Information",
        "phoneNumber": "1-405-298-5885",
        "email": ""
      "addresses": [
          "id": "57fd45aee4b0ce322b0c86ac",
          "label": "OK - 73157",
          "addressLine": "4 Crownhardt Plaza",
          "zipCode": "73157",
          "city": "Oklahoma City",
          "state": "OK"
      "homepage": "",
      "taxId": "123-ABC",
      "rating": "3.3",
      "notes": "Aenean fermentum. Donec ut mauris eget massa tempor convallis. Nulla neque libero, convallis eget, eleifend luctus, ultricies eu, nibh.",
      "lastMeeting": 1422111300000,
      "lastUpdate": 1485292500000

// executes a simple action over two company records with custom response

PUT /data/companies/57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665,57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8565/customResponse
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

PUT /data/companies/57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665,57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8565/customResponse
< Content-Type: application/json

  "57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665": {
      "status": "ok",
      "response": "This is a custom response"
  "57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8565": {
      "status": "ok",
      "response": "This is a custom response"

// executes a simple action over two company records in the background

PUT /data/companies/57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665,57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8565/logSomething?_async=true
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

    "param1": "a",
    "param2": "b"

PUT /data/companies/57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665,57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8565/logSomething?_async=true
< Content-Type: application/json

  "jobLink": "/api/status/jobs/588f45e2b45fc9000bc1bd1f",
  "jobId": "588f45e2b45fc9000bc1bd1f"

// executes an action that works with many records over two records and returns a custom response

PUT /data/companies/57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665,57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8565/countEmployees
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

PUT /data/companies/57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665,57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8565/countEmployees
< Content-Type: application/json

    "numberOfEmployees": 629

Execute action over query

PUT /data/{entityName}/{actionName}

Execute an action over records matched by a query.


When the action includes parameters, you can send these parameters within the request body. The format should follow the same structure as when creating or updating records. However, in this context, instead of fields, you should provide the parameters relevant to the action.

In cases where the action does not require any parameters, you can simply leave the request body empty.

PUT /data/{entityName}/{actionName}
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

  "param1": "value",
  "param2": value

entityNameyesName of the entity the records belongs to.
idyesID of the records to execute the action on.
actionNameyesThe name of the action that has to be executed.
_asyncnoThis parameter indicates whether the deletion should be executed in the background, which is necessary if the execution is expected to take more than 30 seconds or if it is applied over more than 1,000 records. When you set this parameter to true, the response from this method will provide a reference to the job responsible for executing the deletion.
This parameter will override the default configured in the action.
queryParametersnoThese are the query parameters. See Query language for more information.

The response varies based on the action type and the _async parameter. There are three possible response scenarios:

1. Map with Records (if _async is false and the action type is ‘One record’): When _async is set to false, and the action does not return a custom response, the result will be a map. Each record’s ID serves as the key, and the corresponding value includes fields for the status and response (representing the record as JSON) or an errorMessage in case of an error. This applies specifically to actions of type ‘One record.’

2. Custom Action’s Responses (if _async is false and the action returns a custom response): When _async is false, and the action returns a custom response, a map is returned with each record’s ID (for each record) serving as a key. Each key is associated with a map containing the status (“ok” or “error”) and a response field containing the custom response. Note that actions of type ‘Many records’ should always provide a custom response. If they do not return anything, an empty response will be generated.

3. Job Reference (if _async is true): In cases where _async is set to true, the method will return a reference to the job responsible for executing the action. Once the action is completed, you can find the response of the action within the results of the job.

Below, you can find examples illustrating each of these response types.

Posible errors
Error codeHTTP status codeDescription
forbidden403You don’t have permissions to execute the action.
notFound404If the entity name does not exist.
// executes a simple action over two company records, no custom response

PUT /data/companies/logSomething?id=57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665,57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8565
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

    "param1": "a",
    "param2": "b"

PUT /data/companies/logSomething?id=57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665,57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8565
< Content-Type: application/json

  "57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665": {
    "status": "ok",
    "response": {
      "id": "57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665",
      "version": 381,
      "label": "Browsezoom",
      "entity": {
        "id": "57fce228e4b0f6600fdfb836",
        "name": "Companies"
      "name": "Browsezoom",
      "state": "pending",
      "type": "a",
      "numberOfEmployees": 95,
      "isCustomer": false,
      "contactInformation": {
        "phoneNumber": "1-702-845-9380",
        "email": "",
        "id": "58837fdd3b063a0007603547",
        "label": "Contact Information"
      "addresses": [
          "addressLine": "4 Magdeline Place",
          "zipCode": "89145",
          "city": "Las Vegas",
          "state": "NV",
          "id": "57fd45aee4b0ce322b0c86aa",
          "label": "NV - 89145"
      "homepage": "",
      "taxId": "350-KWM",
      "rating": "2.8",
      "notes": "modified notes",
      "lastMeeting": 1429623180000,
      "lastUpdate": 1485292080000
  "57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8565": {
    "status": "ok",
    "response": {
      "id": "57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8565",
      "version": 377,
      "label": "Blogpad",
      "name": "Blogpad",
      "state": "pending",
      "type": "b",
      "numberOfEmployees": 534,
      "isCustomer": false,
      "contactInformation": {
        "phoneNumber": "1-405-298-5885",
        "email": "",
        "id": "581224c8e4b0285870237cc5",
        "label": "Contact Information"
      "addresses": [
          "addressLine": "4 Crownhardt Plaza",
          "zipCode": "73157",
          "city": "Oklahoma City",
          "state": "OK",
          "id": "57fd45aee4b0ce322b0c86ac",
          "label": "OK - 73157"
      "homepage": "",
      "taxId": "123-ABC",
      "rating": "3.3",
      "notes": "Aenean fermentum. Donec ut mauris eget massa tempor convallis. Nulla neque libero, convallis eget, eleifend luctus, ultricies eu, nibh.",
      "lastMeeting": 1422111300000,
      "lastUpdate": 1485292500000

// executes a simple action over two company records with custom response

PUT /data/companies/customResponse?id=57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665,57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8565
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

PUT /data/companies/customResponse?id=57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665,57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8565
< Content-Type: application/json

  "57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665": {
      "status": "ok",
      "response": "This is a custom response"
  "57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8565": {
      "status": "ok",
      "response": "This is a custom response"

// executes a simple action over two company records in the background

PUT /data/companies/logSomething?_async=true&id=57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665,57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8565
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

    "param1": "a",
    "param2": "b"

PUT /data/companies/logSomething?_async=true&id=57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665,57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8565
< Content-Type: application/json

  "jobLink": "/api/status/jobs/588f45e2b45fc9000bc1bd1f",
  "jobId": "588f45e2b45fc9000bc1bd1f"

// executes an action that works with many records over two records and returns a custom response

PUT /data/companies/countEmployees?id=57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665,57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8565
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

PUT /data/companies/countEmployees?id=57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665,57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8565
< Content-Type: application/json

    "numberOfEmployees": 629

Import records

POST /data/{entityName}/import

Imports records from a CSV file.


This feature allows you to import records from a CSV file into your system. When preparing the CSV file, please adhere to the following rules:

Headers: Headers in the CSV file should correspond to the field paths you wish to import. For instance, a field named “name” located at the root of the entity should have “name” as its header. For nested fields, use the full path, such as “address.state.” When dealing with multi-valued fields, specify the index, like “phoneNumbers[0]” or “phoneNumbers[1].”

Data Format: The data format in the CSV file should match the type of each field being imported. Refer to the documentation for each field type to ensure you are using the correct format.

Template Creation: To create a CSV file template, you can often export existing records using field names instead of labels as a starting point.

Record Handling:

  • Records will be created if they do not already exist in the system.
  • If records already exist, they will be updated. To determine if a record exists, a unique field must be included in the CSV file’s headers. If multiple unique fields are present, the first one encountered will be used.

Importing into Related Entities: It is also possible to import records into related entities. For example, if you have a “contacts” entity with a relationship called “company” pointing to the “companies” entity, your CSV file headers can reflect this relationship structure:,company.type,firstName,lastName,email

Your CSV file includes headers like “” and “company.type” referring to fields within the “companies” entity. In this scenario:

  • The import process will attempt to match an existing company based on the “name” field (assuming “name” is a unique field) and update its “type” field if a match is found.

  • If no match is found, a new record will be created in the “companies” entity, and it will be associated with the record in the “contacts” entity. This enables you to create records in multiple entities with just a single import.

The entire import process occurs within the context of a background job, ensuring efficient handling of the data.

POST /data/{entityName}/import
> Content-Type: multipart/form-data
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

entityNameYes-Specifies the name of the entity to which the record belongs.
fileYes-Indicates the multi-part CSV file to be imported.
lowPriorityNo-When set, the import process is scheduled to execute when there are fewer concurrent jobs running. This is particularly useful for large imports to prevent delays in other job executions.
updateCalculatedFieldsNoTrueAllows you to expedite large imports by skipping the recalculation of calculated fields. However, this may result in calculated fields having outdated values, which can be recalculated later. (Note: This option is intended for developers.)
updateRelationshipsNoTrueControls whether an import updating a record’s label triggers a cascade update in related records. Disabling this feature can improve performance for large imports. (Note: This option is intended for developers.)
performValidationsNoTrueBy setting this to false, you can skip type-based validations during import. Structural and data format validations remain active, ensuring data integrity. For example, an integer field may skip max and min value validations but still require a numeric value. (Note: This option is intended for developers.)
filterByAccessRulesNoTrueDetermines whether fields should be filtered based on access rules. Disabling this feature results in importing all fields regardless of their accessibility, potentially enhancing import performance. (Note: This option is intended for developers.)
performSecurityChecksNoTrueWhen set to false, security permissions are bypassed during import. This can improve performance or mitigate certain issues during the import process. (Note: This option is intended for developers.)
triggerEventsNoTrueGoverns the execution of event listeners associated with record creation or updates. If disabled (set to false), these listeners will not be triggered. (Note: This option is intended for developers.)
setDefaultValuesNoTrueControls whether default values are calculated for fields during import. Disabling this feature can enhance performance during large imports. (Note: This option is intended for developers.)
supportTransientFieldsNoTrueDecides whether transient fields are managed as transient during import. Disabling this feature may improve performance in large imports. (Note: This option is intended for developers.)
cascadeOperationsNoTrueSpecifies whether importing or updating records can trigger various cascade operations, such as copying fields or aggregating data. Setting this to false prevents these operations. (Note: This option is intended for developers.)
skipRecordsWithInvalidFieldsNoTrueDetermines the treatment of records with invalid fields (validation errors). If set to false, records will be created or updated with errors that must be corrected later. (Note: This option is intended for developers.)

A reference to the job in charge of perform the import.

POST /data/{entityName}/import
< Content-Type: application/json

  "jobLink": "/api/status/jobs/588f8357b45fc9000bc1bd2a",
  "jobId": "588f8357b45fc9000bc1bd2a"

Posible errors
Error codeHTTP status codeDescription
forbidden403You don’t have permissions to import records on this entity.
notFound404The entity name does not exist.
// imports a few companies from a CSV file

POST /data/companies/import
> Content-Type: multipart/form-data
> Accept: application/json
> token: token


POST /data/companies/import
< Content-Type: application/json

  "jobLink": "/api/status/jobs/588f3e65b45fc9000bc1baa7",
  "jobId": "588f3e65b45fc9000bc1baa7"

Export records

PUT /data/{entityName}/export

This feature allows you to export records to a CSV file. You have the flexibility to apply filters to determine which records to export using a query and select specific fields to include in the export.

To specify which fields should be included in the CSV file, you can use the _fields parameter. Its usage is similar to queries, but with a few distinctions:

  • You can include related fields, which are fields located in the entities pointed to by relationship fields. For instance, if you have a relationship field named “company” that references the “companies” entity, you can specify “company.type” to be included in the CSV file. If you only specify “company,” only the label will be exported.

  • If you leave the _fields parameter empty, all fields will be included in the export, except for related fields.

  • System fields such as "id," "label," and "version" are not included in the export.

This flexibility allows you to tailor your CSV exports to your specific needs.

PUT /data/{entityName}/export
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

entityNameYesName of the entity the record belongs to.
_useFieldNamesNoThis flag modifies how headers are generated. If it is set to true it will use the name instead of the label to build the headers. Otherwise the label will be used, which is the default.
queryParametersNoThese are the query parameters. See Query language for more information.

A reference to the job in charge of perform the import. To actually fetch the file you need to check when the job is finished and look into the results of the job, where you’ll find something like this:

  "hasErrors": false,
  "results": {
    "fileLink": "",
    "fileId": "588f864eb45fc9000bc1bd5c",
    "recordsExported": 283
  "status": "FINISHED"

The field results.fileLink contains the URL to download the file. You need to pass the token in the headers when fetching the file or the token needs to be set in cookies.

PUT /data/{entityName}/export
< Content-Type: application/json

  "jobLink": "/api/status/jobs/588f8357b45fc9000bc1bd2a",
  "jobId": "588f8357b45fc9000bc1bd2a"

Posible errors
Error codeHTTP status codeDescription
badRequest400If you are trying to export more than 1,000,000 records or if query is invalid.
forbidden403You don’t have permissions to export records on this entity.
notFound404The entity name does not exist.
// exports companies with type 'b', with a maxium of 50 records

PUT /data/companies/export?type=b&_size=50
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

PUT /data/companies/export?type=b&_size=50
< Content-Type: application/json

  "jobLink": "/api/status/jobs/588f3e65b45fc9000bc1baa7",
  "jobId": "588f3e65b45fc9000bc1baa7"

// exports companies with type 'b', with a maxium of 50 records but only the fields name, address->state and mainContact->email.

PUT /data/companies/export?type=b&_size=50&_fields=name,address.state,
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

PUT /data/companies/export?type=b&_size=50&_fields=name,address.state,
< Content-Type: application/json

  "jobLink": "/api/status/jobs/588f3e65b45fc9000bc1baa8",
  "jobId": "588f3e65b45fc9000bc1baa8"

Audit logs

Audit logs for one record

GET /data/{entityName}/{id}/auditLogs

Returns the audit logs of a record. The entity needs to have audit logs enabled.

GET /data/{entityName}/{id}/auditLogs
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

entityNameYesName of the entity the record belongs to.
idYesThe ID of the record to get its audits logs.
_sizeNoThe number of audit logs records to fetch. Always the latests logs will be retrieved.
_offsetNoSpecifies an ID of a audit log to start fetching logs from. This is to allow pagination.

The list of audit logs for that record, sorted from the newest to the oldest ones.

GET /data/{entityName}/{id}/auditLogs
< Content-Type: application/json

  "total": 2,
  "offset": "588f8b99b45fc9000bc1bfc5",
  "items": [
      "id": "588f8ba7b45fc9000bc1bfce",
      "entityId": "57fce228e4b0f6600fdfb836",
      "entityName": "companies",
      "entityVersion": 57,
      "recordId": "588f8b99b45fc9000bc1bfc4",
      "recordName": "test1",
      "user": "",
      "timestamp": 1485802407010,
      "ip": "::ffff:",
      "eventType": "USER_RECORD_CHANGED",
      "eventCategory": "USER",
      "contextPath": "entities.companies.update",
      "recordDeleted": null,
      "deletionDate": null,
      "oldRecord": {
        "type": {
          "json": "a",
          "text": "{type:a}"
        "addresses": {
          "json": null,
          "text": "{}"
      "newRecord": {
        "type": {
          "json": "b",
          "text": "{type:b}"
        "addresses": {
          "json": null,
          "text": "{}"
      "id": "588f8b99b45fc9000bc1bfc5",
      "entityId": "57fce228e4b0f6600fdfb836",
      "entityName": "companies",
      "entityVersion": 57,
      "recordId": "588f8b99b45fc9000bc1bfc4",
      "recordName": "test1",
      "user": "",
      "timestamp": 1485802393836,
      "ip": "::ffff:",
      "eventType": "USER_RECORD_CREATED",
      "eventCategory": "USER",
      "contextPath": "entities.companies.create",
      "recordDeleted": null,
      "deletionDate": null,
      "oldRecord": {},
      "newRecord": {
        "name": "test1",
        "state": "active",
        "type": "a",
        "numberOfEmployees": null,
        "isCustomer": false,
        "contactInformation": {
          "phoneNumber": null,
          "email": null,
          "id": "588f8b99b45fc9000bc1bfc3",
          "label": "Contact Information"
        "homepage": null,
        "taxId": null,
        "rating": null,
        "notes": null,
        "lastMeeting": null,
        "lastUpdate": 1485802380000

totalTotal number of audit logs for the record.
offsetID of the latest audit log; include it as the _offset parameter for pagination to retrieve subsequent records.
itemsAudit logs with various fields; explanations for some key fields are provided below.
items[].eventCategoryCategory of the event, with possible values: 'USER' (change made by a user), 'SCRIPT' (change made by a script), 'SYSTEM' (system changes like cascade updates).
items[].eventTypeType of event, depending on the category; options include:
items[].contextPathPath describing where the change occurred; for example, it specifies which script made the change if it was a script.
items[].recordDeletedIndicates if the record has been deleted (true or false).
items[].deletionDateDate when the record was deleted.
items[].oldRecordContains the old values of modified fields in both JSON format and a more human-readable format.
items[].newRecordContains the new values of modified fields in both JSON format and a more human-readable format.
Posible errors
Error codeHTTP Status CodeDescription
badRequest400Invalid record ID provided.
forbidden403Insufficient permissions to view the audit logs of records for the entity.
notFound404Entity name does not exist. Note that this error may not be returned if the record ID does not exist, as it could refer to a deleted record.
// gets the audit logs of a company record

GET /data/companies/588f8b99b45fc9000bc1bfc4/auditLogs
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

GET /data/companies/588f8b99b45fc9000bc1bfc4/auditLogs
< Content-Type: application/json

  "total": 2,
  "offset": "588f8b99b45fc9000bc1bfc5",
  "items": [
      "id": "588f8ba7b45fc9000bc1bfce",
      "entityId": "57fce228e4b0f6600fdfb836",
      "entityName": "companies",
      "entityVersion": 57,
      "recordId": "588f8b99b45fc9000bc1bfc4",
      "recordName": "test1",
      "user": "",
      "timestamp": 1485802407010,
      "ip": "::ffff:",
      "eventType": "USER_RECORD_CHANGED",
      "eventCategory": "USER",
      "contextPath": "entities.companies.update",
      "recordDeleted": null,
      "deletionDate": null,
      "oldRecord": {
        "type": {
          "json": "a",
          "text": "{type:a}"
        "addresses": {
          "json": null,
          "text": "{}"
      "newRecord": {
        "type": {
          "json": "b",
          "text": "{type:b}"
        "addresses": {
          "json": null,
          "text": "{}"
      "id": "588f8b99b45fc9000bc1bfc5",
      "entityId": "57fce228e4b0f6600fdfb836",
      "entityName": "companies",
      "entityVersion": 57,
      "recordId": "588f8b99b45fc9000bc1bfc4",
      "recordName": "test1",
      "user": "",
      "timestamp": 1485802393836,
      "ip": "::ffff:",
      "eventType": "USER_RECORD_CREATED",
      "eventCategory": "USER",
      "contextPath": "entities.companies.create",
      "recordDeleted": null,
      "deletionDate": null,
      "oldRecord": {},
      "newRecord": {
        "name": "test1",
        "state": "active",
        "type": "a",
        "numberOfEmployees": null,
        "isCustomer": false,
        "contactInformation": {
          "phoneNumber": null,
          "email": null,
          "id": "588f8b99b45fc9000bc1bfc3",
          "nestedFieldLabel": "Contact Information",
          "id": "588f8b99b45fc9000bc1bfc3",
          "label": "Contact Information"
        "homepage": null,
        "taxId": null,
        "rating": null,
        "notes": null,
        "lastMeeting": null,
        "lastUpdate": 1485802380000

Audit logs in entity

GET /data/{entityName}/auditLogs

Returns the audit logs for all records in an entity, which needs to have audit logs enabled.

GET /data/{entityName}/auditLogs
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

entityNameYesName of the entity the record belongs to.
eventTypesNoAllows to filter by some specific type of events. You can select many separating them by commas. Possible values are:
toNoAllows to filter logs by timestamp. This is the maximum date and you should pass the number of milliseconds since Epoch.
fromNoAllows to filter logs by timestamp. This is the minimum date and you should pass the number of milliseconds since Epoch.
_sizeNoThe number of audit logs records to fetch. Always the latests logs will be retrieved.
_offsetNoSpecifies an ID of a audit log to start fetching logs from. This is to allow pagination.

The list of audit logs for that record, sorted from the newest to the oldest ones.

GET /data/{entityName}/auditLogs
< Content-Type: application/json

  "total": 3,
  "offset": "588f8ba7b45fc9000bc1bfce",
  "items": [
      "id": "588f9757b45fc9000bc1bfe1",
      "entityId": "57fce228e4b0f6600fdfb836",
      "entityName": "companies",
      "entityVersion": 57,
      "recordId": "588f9757b45fc9000bc1bfe0",
      "recordName": "test2",
      "user": "",
      "timestamp": 1485805399966,
      "ip": "::ffff:",
      "eventType": "USER_RECORD_CREATED",
      "eventCategory": "USER",
      "contextPath": "entities.companies.create",
      "recordDeleted": null,
      "deletionDate": null,
      "oldRecord": {},
      "newRecord": {
        "name": "test2",
        "state": "active",
        "type": "c",
        "color": "#e1e1e1",
        "numberOfEmployees": null,
        "isCustomer": false,
        "contactInformation": {
          "phoneNumber": null,
          "email": null,
          "id": "588f9757b45fc9000bc1bfdf",
          "nestedFieldLabel": "Contact Information",
          "id": "588f9757b45fc9000bc1bfdf",
          "label": "Contact Information"
        "homepage": null,
        "taxId": null,
        "rating": null,
        "notes": null,
        "lastMeeting": null,
        "lastUpdate": 1485805380000
      "id": "588f8ba7b45fc9000bc1bfce",
      "entityId": "57fce228e4b0f6600fdfb836",
      "entityName": "companies",
      "entityVersion": 57,
      "recordId": "588f8b99b45fc9000bc1bfc4",
      "recordName": "test1",
      "user": "",
      "timestamp": 1485802407010,
      "ip": "::ffff:",
      "eventType": "USER_RECORD_CHANGED",
      "eventCategory": "USER",
      "contextPath": "entities.companies.update",
      "recordDeleted": null,
      "deletionDate": null,
      "oldRecord": {
        "type": {
          "json": "a",
          "text": "{type:a}"
        "addresses": {
          "json": null,
          "text": "{}"
      "newRecord": {
        "type": {
          "json": "b",
          "text": "{type:b}"
        "addresses": {
          "json": null,
          "text": "{}"

totalTotal number of audit logs for the record.
offsetID of the latest audit log; include it as the _offset parameter for pagination to retrieve subsequent records.
itemsAudit logs.
Posible errors
Error codeHTTP Status CodeDescription
badRequest400Invalid query provided.
forbidden403Insufficient permissions to view the audit of records for the entity.
notFound404Entity name does not exist.
// gets the last two audit logs in entity 'companies'

GET /data/companies/auditLogs?_size=2
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

GET /data/companies/auditLogs?_size=2
< Content-Type: application/json

  "total": 3,
  "offset": "588f8ba7b45fc9000bc1bfce",
  "items": [
      "id": "588f9757b45fc9000bc1bfe1",
      "entityId": "57fce228e4b0f6600fdfb836",
      "entityName": "companies",
      "entityVersion": 57,
      "recordId": "588f9757b45fc9000bc1bfe0",
      "recordName": "test2",
      "user": "",
      "timestamp": 1485805399966,
      "ip": "::ffff:",
      "eventType": "USER_RECORD_CREATED",
      "eventCategory": "USER",
      "contextPath": "entities.companies.create",
      "recordDeleted": null,
      "deletionDate": null,
      "oldRecord": {},
      "newRecord": {
        "name": "test2",
        "state": "active",
        "type": "c",
        "color": "#e1e1e1",
        "numberOfEmployees": null,
        "isCustomer": false,
        "contactInformation": {
          "phoneNumber": null,
          "email": null,
          "id": "588f9757b45fc9000bc1bfdf",
          "nestedFieldLabel": "Contact Information",
          "id": "588f9757b45fc9000bc1bfdf",
          "label": "Contact Information"
        "homepage": null,
        "taxId": null,
        "rating": null,
        "notes": null,
        "lastMeeting": null,
        "lastUpdate": 1485805380000
      "id": "588f8ba7b45fc9000bc1bfce",
      "entityId": "57fce228e4b0f6600fdfb836",
      "entityName": "companies",
      "entityVersion": 57,
      "recordId": "588f8b99b45fc9000bc1bfc4",
      "recordName": "test1",
      "user": "",
      "timestamp": 1485802407010,
      "ip": "::ffff:",
      "eventType": "USER_RECORD_CHANGED",
      "eventCategory": "USER",
      "contextPath": "entities.companies.update",
      "recordDeleted": null,
      "deletionDate": null,
      "oldRecord": {
        "type": {
          "json": "a",
          "text": "{type:a}"
        "addresses": {
          "json": null,
          "text": "{}"
      "newRecord": {
        "type": {
          "json": "b",
          "text": "{type:b}"
        "addresses": {
          "json": null,
          "text": "{}"

Files handling

Slingr apps offer the capability to store various types of files that can later be downloaded, shared, or linked to fields within records.

When you need to reference a file within a record using a file field, it’s a typical practice to upload the file first. Once you obtain the unique ID of the uploaded file, you can then set it as the value of the corresponding file field in your record.

It’s important to note that if a file is not referenced by any record, it will be automatically deleted after a few hours. Therefore, it’s advisable to upload files only if you intend to link them to records within your app. Uploading files that are not used within your app is unnecessary and may result in their deletion.

Uploading files

POST /files

This function allows you to upload a file to your app. The uploaded file will be stored temporarily until it is referenced by a record. If no record references the file within 12 hours, it will be automatically removed.


To upload a file, you must use a multi-part request. This method supports the uploading of files in any format.

POST /files
> Content-Type: multipart/form-data
> Accept: application/json
> token: token


The metadata of the uploaded file.

POST /files
< Content-Type: application/json

  "fileId": "588f9f1eb45fc9000bc1c010",
  "fileLink": "/files/588f9f1eb45fc9000bc1c010"

fileIdThe ID of the file. You can use this ID to reference the file from file fields in records.
// uploads a file

POST /files
> Content-Type: multipart/form-data
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

test file in multi-part

POST /files
< Content-Type: application/json

  "fileId": "588f9f1eb45fc9000bc1c010",
  "fileLink": "/files/588f9f1eb45fc9000bc1c010"

Downloading files

GET /files/{id}

Downloads a file. This service is only available for developer and system users.

GET /files/{id}
> token:
> : token

idyesThe ID of the file to download.

Returns the file to download.

GET /files/{id}
> Content-Type: application/force-download
> Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=file.ext

//the content of the file

Possible errors
Error codeHTTP Status CodeDescription
notFound404The file does not exist.
// fetches a file

GET /files/588f9f1eb45fc9000bc1c010
> token:
> : token

GET /files/588f9f1eb45fc9000bc1c010
> Content-Type: application/force-download
> Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=file.ext

// this is the content of the file

Downloading record files

GET /data/{entityName}/{recordId}/files/{fileId}

Downloads a file that belongs to a specific record. User permissions check is performed.

GET /data/{entityName}/{recordId}/files/{fileId}
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

recordIdyesThe ID of the record to fetch the file.
fileIdyesThe ID of the file to be retrieved.

Returns the record file to download.

GET /data/{entityName}/{recordId}/files/{fileId}
> Content-Type: application/force-download
> Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=file.ext

// the content of the file

Possible errors
Error codeHTTP Status CodeDescription
notFound404The entity or record or file can no be found.
forbidden403Provided token does not have permissions to access specified file.
// fetches a file that belongs to a record

GET /data/companies/57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665/files/588fa383b45fc9000bc1c014
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

GET /data/companies/57fd2d65e4b0ce322b0c8665/files/588fa383b45fc9000bc1c014
> Content-Type: application/force-download
> Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=file.ext

// this is the content of the file

Sharing files

PUT /files/{id}/share

Shares a file through a public link. The link will be valid for an hour.

PUT /files/{id}/share
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

ttlno3600000Time to expire in milliseconds.

The public link to download the file. This link won’t require any permission.

PUT /files/{id}/share
< Content-Type: application/json

  "sharedFileId": "588fa383b45fc9000bc1c014",
  "sharedFileLink": "/files/shared/588fa383b45fc9000bc1c014"

sharedFileIdThis is the ID of the shared file.
sharedFileLinkThe link to download the file. You should prepend the API endpoint.
//shares a file which will expire in one minute

PUT /files/588f9f1eb45fc9000bc1c010/share?ttl=60000
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

PUT /files/588f9f1eb45fc9000bc1c010/share?ttl=60000
< Content-Type: application/json

  "sharedFileId": "588fa383b45fc9000bc1c014",
  "sharedFileLink": "/files/shared/588fa383b45fc9000bc1c014"

Fetch shared file

Sharing files

GET /files/shared/{id}

Downloads a shared file.

GET /files/shared/{id}
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

idyesThe ID of the shared file to download.

Returns the shared file to download.

GET /files/shared/{id}
> Content-Type: application/force-download
> Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=file.ext

//the content of the file

Possible errors
Error codeHTTP Status CodeDescription
notFound404The shared file doesn’t exist.
//fetches a shared file

GET /files/shared/588fa383b45fc9000bc1c014
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

GET /files/shared/588fa383b45fc9000bc1c014
> Content-Type: application/force-download
> Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=file.ext

//this is the content of the file

Monitoring and troubleshooting


Logs allow to know what’s going on in the app. The structure of a log is this one:

  "id": "57fce0bfe4b0f6600fdfb82c",
  "type": "APP",
  "subType": null,
  "level": "INFO",
  "message": "PUT /api/metadata/clearCache",
  "userEmail": "",
  "adminUserEmail": null,
  "timestamp": 1476190399791,
  "ip": "",
  "additionalInfo": {}

idID of the log.
typeType of log, with possible options:
- 'APP' (generated by the app runtime),
- 'ENDPOINT' (generated by an endpoint),
- 'EXTERNAL’ (generated by a special call in the REST API to save logs).
subTypeSub-type of the log based on the type. Currently, only ‘APP’ type has sub-types:
- 'LOGIN',
levelLog level, which could be 'INFO', 'WARN', or 'ERROR'.
messageThe log message.
userEmailEmail of the current user when the log was generated; it could be the system user.
adminUserEmailIf the user is being impersonated, this is the email of the admin user.
timestampTimestamp when the log was generated, in milliseconds since Epoch.
ipIP address associated with the log.
additionalInfoThis field may contain additional information that could be useful when troubleshooting issues. Note that it should not be used for automating processes as its content may change without notice.

Get logs

GET /status/logs

Query logs from the app.

Keep in mind that logs rotate and when the maximum size of logs is reached older ones are lost.

GET /status/logs
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

userEmailNo-Allows filtering by user email using partial match.
periodNo-Allows filtering by a time span, e.g., ‘3h 30m’ for logs in the last 3 hours and 30 minutes. Supports time duration formats and ’today’ or ‘yesterday’. If specified, ‘from’ and ’to’ parameters are discarded.
fromNo-The minimum timestamp in milliseconds since Epoch for filtering logs.
toNo-The maximum timestamp in milliseconds since Epoch for filtering logs.
levelNo-Specifies the log levels to find, separated by commas.
messageNo-Allows filtering by partial search of log messages.
_sizeNo200Sets the maximum number of logs to retrieve.
_offsetNo-Specifies the offset to start retrieving logs. Obtained from previous queries for pagination.

A list of logs in JSON format.

GET /status/logs
< Content-Type: application/json

  "total": 151
  "items": [
      "id": "58907c10b45fc9000bc1c020",
      "type": "APP",
      "subType": "LOGIN",
      "level": "INFO",
      "message": "POST /login",
      "userEmail": "",
      "adminUserEmail": null,
      "timestamp": 1485863952895,
      "ip": null
      "id": "58907c1bb45fc9000bc1c023",
      "type": "APP",
      "subType": null,
      "level": "INFO",
      "message": "GET /api/users/57fce0c3e4b0ce322b0c06b2?appsVersion=true",
      "userEmail": "",
      "adminUserEmail": null,
      "timestamp": 1485863963701,
      "ip": "::ffff:"
      "id": "589085b0b45fc9000bc1c02f",
      "type": "APP",
      "subType": null,
      "level": "INFO",
      "message": "Validation exceptions on record [test]. Error: [file: Content type is required when uploading a file and must be a string]",
      "userEmail": "",
      "adminUserEmail": null,
      "timestamp": 1485866416124,
      "ip": null,
      "additionalInfo": {
        "recordLabel": "test",
        "errors": [
            "code": "INVALID",
            "field": "file",
            "message": "Content type is required when uploading a file and must be a string"
      "id": "589085bdb45fc9000bc1c030",
      "type": "APP",
      "subType": "REST_API_RECORD_UPDATED",
      "level": "INFO",
      "message": "PUT /api/data/files/585aea800d29d300072484a8",
      "userEmail": "",
      "adminUserEmail": null,
      "timestamp": 1485866429630,
      "ip": "::ffff:"
      "id": "589085bfb45fc9000bc1c032",
      "type": "APP",
      "subType": null,
      "level": "INFO",
      "message": "Data record of type [files] with label [test] was changed successfully",
      "userEmail": "",
      "adminUserEmail": null,
      "timestamp": 1485866431823,
      "ip": null

totalTotal number of logs matched by the query.
offsetOffset to use when retrieving more logs.
itemsLogs found.
Possible errors
Error codeHTTP Status CodeDescription
forbidden403If you try to query logs with a user who is not a developer.
//finds two logs for yesterday for one specific user

GET /status/logs?period=yesterday&
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

GET /status/logs?period=yesterday&
< Content-Type: application/json

  "items": [
      "id": "58907c10b45fc9000bc1c020",
      "type": "APP",
      "subType": "LOGIN",
      "level": "INFO",
      "message": "POST /login",
      "userEmail": "",
      "adminUserEmail": null,
      "timestamp": 1485863952895,
      "ip": null
      "id": "58907c19b45fc9000bc1c021",
      "type": "APP",
      "subType": null,
      "level": "INFO",
      "message": "GET /api/users/current",
      "userEmail": "",
      "adminUserEmail": null,
      "timestamp": 1485863961326,
      "ip": "::ffff:"
  "total": 151

Post logs

POST /status/logs

Creates a log. You only need to send the message and the level of log. Other fields will be calculated automatically. An optional additionalInfo object can be send to add extra fields.

POST /status/logs
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

  "level": "INFO",
  "message": "This is a test log",
  "additionalInfo": {
    "test": "Additional info property"


The created log in JSON format.

POST /status/logs
< Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "589085bdb45fc9000bc1c030",
  "type": "EXTERNAL",
  "subType": null,
  "level": "INFO",
  "message": "This is a test log",
  "userEmail": "",
  "adminUserEmail": null,
  "timestamp": 1485866429630,
  "ip": null,
  "additionalInfo": {
    "test": "Additional info property"

Possible errors
Error codeHTTP Status CodeDescription
validationErrors400If there are validation errors. When this happens you will get the details of the errors in the body:
  “code”: “validationErrors”, 
  “message”: “There are validation errors”,
  “errors”: [
     “field”: “message”,
     “fieldLabel”: null,
     “code”: “required”,
     “message”: “Message cannot be empty”,
     “additionalInfo”: null
forbidden403If you try to create a log with a user who is not a developer.
//creates a new log

POST /status/logs
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

  "level": "INFO",
  "message": "This is a test log",
  "additionalInfo": {
    "test": "Additional info property"

POST /status/logs
< Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "589085bdb45fc9000bc1c030",
  "type": "EXTERNAL",
  "subType": null,
  "level": "INFO",
  "message": "This is a test log",
  "userEmail": "",
  "adminUserEmail": null,
  "timestamp": 1485866429630,
  "ip": "::ffff:",
  "additionalInfo": {
    "test": "Additional info property"


The API for jobs provides the capability to check various aspects of a job, including its status, progress, logs, and additional information. This helps you gain a comprehensive understanding of the job’s current state and execution.

This is the general job structure:

  "id": "588a02c13b063a0007605032",
  "label": "Executing action countEmployees on entity companies",
  "type": "EXECUTE_ACTION",
  "runBy": {
    "id": "57fce0c3e4b0ce322b0c06b2",
    "fullName": "Diego Gaviola"
  "parentJob": null,
  "rootJob": null,
  "createDate": 1485439681643,
  "startDate": 1485439681652,
  "endDate": 1485439681807,
  "status": "FINISHED",
  "hasErrors": false,
  "progress": 100,
  "recordsCount": 0,
  "recordsProcessed": 0,
  "childrenJobsCount": 0,
  "childrenJobsProcessed": 0,
  "stoppable": true,
  "lowPriority": false,
  "data": {}
  "results": {}

idUnique identifier for the job.
labelName of the job, providing a simple description of its purpose. Be aware that this description may change without notice and should not be used for critical decision-making in your code.
typeThe type of job, which can be one of the following supported types:
Other job types are considered system jobs and should not be relied upon, as they may change or be removed.
runByA map containing the id and fullName of the user who triggered the job.
parentJobA map containing the id and label of the parent job. If the job is not a child of another job, this field will be null, indicating it is a root job.
rootJobA map containing the id and label of the root job. A root job is one that does not have a parent job. If this field is null, it means the job is a root job.
createDateThe timestamp in milliseconds when the job was created.
startDateThe timestamp when the job execution started. It can be null if the job has not yet started.
endDateThe timestamp when the job execution finished. It can be null if the job has not finished.
statusThe current status of the job, which can be one of the following: PENDING, RUNNING, FINISHED, STOPPING, STOPPED, CANCELED.
hasErrorsIf true, indicates that there was at least one error during the job’s execution. You should review the logs and results for details.
progressA number from 0 to 100 indicating the progress of the job. Note that some jobs may transition directly from 0 to 100 if there is no intermediate progress information.
recordsCountIf the job involves working with records, this field indicates the number of records involved.
recordsProcessedIf the job involves working with records, this field indicates the number of records that have been processed.
childrenJobsCountThe count of children jobs created during the execution of the job. It starts as 0 and may increase over time as more children jobs are created.
childrenJobsProcessedThe number of children jobs that have finished execution.
stoppableIf true, the job can be stopped; otherwise, you must wait for its completion (unless it’s still pending).
lowPriorityIf true, the job will be executed only when there are few other jobs running.
dataThe content of this field depends on the job and contains additional parameters.

Start App
pushChangesIndicates whether changes will be automatically pushed when starting the application. Set to true if changes will be pushed; otherwise, it’s false or empty.
wakingUpIndicates whether the application was in a sleeping state and is now in the process of waking up. Set to true if the app is waking up; otherwise, it’s false.
Import Records
fileNameThe name of the file to be imported.
entityNameThe name of the entity where records will be imported.
Export Records
entityNameThe name of the entity from which records will be exported.
Delete Records
entityNameThe name of the entity from which records will be deleted.
Execute Action
entityNameThe name of the entity to which the action belongs.
actionNameThe name of the action to be executed.
Execute Listener
listenerNameThe name of the listener to execute.
Import Users
fileNameThe name of the file to be imported.
notifyUsersIndicates whether people will be notified by email when users are created. Set to true if notifications will be sent; otherwise, it’s false.
Deploy Endpoint
endpointNameThe name of the endpoint to deploy.
Undeploy Endpoint
endpointNameThe name of the endpoint to undeploy.

resultsThe content of this field depends on the job. Here you will find information about the results of executing the job.

Import Records
rowsImportedThe number of rows that were imported successfully.
rowsWithErrorsThe number of rows that couldn’t be imported due to errors.
Export Records
fileLinkURL to download the CSV file with the exported records. You will need to send the token in the headers to download it.
fileIdThe ID of the file that was generated.
recordsExportedThe number of records that were exported.
Delete Records

The result will be a map like this one:
  “results”: {
    “id1”: {
      “status”: “ok”,
      “response”: “response from action”
    “id2”: {
      “status”: “error”,
      “errorMessage”: “error message”

status will indicate if the delete process was executed successfully over that record (ok) or if there were errors (error). The field response will be available only if the action is configured to return the response in the results; otherwise it won’t be there.
One important thing to keep in mind is that the maximum number of responses in this map will be 1,000. If you execute the delete process over more than 1,000 records, you might not be able to collect the response for each one.
Execute Action
The results of this job depend on the type of action. If the action is of type One record, the result will be a map like this one:
  “results”: {
    “id1”: {
      “status”: “ok”,
      “response”: “response from action”
    “id2”: {
      “status”: “error”,
      “errorMessage”: “error message”

status will indicate if the action was executed successfully over that record (ok) or if there were errors (error). The field response will be available only if the action is configured to return the response in the results; otherwise it won’t be there. The field errorMessage will be present when there is an error, providing some insight into the problem.
One important thing to keep in mind is that the maximum number of responses in this map will be 1,000. If you execute the action over more than 1,000 records, you might not be able to collect the response for each one.
If the action is of type Many records, you will only get a map with fields status and response:

  “results”: {
    “status”: “ok”,
    “response”: “response from action”
Import Users
fileLinkURL to download the CSV file with the exported users. You will need to send the token in the headers to download it.
Export Users
fileLinkURL to download the CSV file with the exported users. You will need to send the token in the headers to download it.
fileIdThe ID of the file that was generated.
usersExportedThe number of users that were exported.

Get one job

GET /status/jobs/{id}

Gets one job by ID.

GET /status/jobs/{id}
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

idyesThe ID of the job.

The job in JSON format.

GET /status/jobs/{id}
< Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "588a02c13b063a0007605032",
  "label": "Execute action countEmployees from entity companies",
  "type": "EXECUTE_ACTION",
  "runBy": {
    "id": "57fce0c3e4b0ce322b0c06b2",
    "fullName": "Diego Gaviola"
  "parentJob": null,
  "rootJob": null,
  "createDate": 1485439681643,
  "startDate": 1485439681652,
  "endDate": 1485439681807,
  "status": "FINISHED",
  "hasErrors": false,
  "progress": 100,
  "recordsCount": 0,
  "recordsProcessed": 0,
  "childrenJobsCount": 0,
  "childrenJobsProcessed": 0,
  "stoppable": true,
  "lowPriority": false

Possible errors
Error codeHTTP Status CodeDescription
notFound404The job doesn’t exist.
// gets a job by ID

GET /status/jobs/588a02c13b063a0007605032
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

GET /status/jobs/588a02c13b063a0007605032
< Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "588a02c13b063a0007605032",
  "label": "Execute action countEmployees from entity companies",
  "type": "EXECUTE_ACTION",
  "runBy": {
    "id": "57fce0c3e4b0ce322b0c06b2",
    "fullName": "Diego Gaviola"
  "parentJob": null,
  "rootJob": null,
  "createDate": 1485439681643,
  "startDate": 1485439681652,
  "endDate": 1485439681807,
  "status": "FINISHED",
  "hasErrors": false,
  "progress": 100,
  "recordsCount": 0,
  "recordsProcessed": 0,
  "childrenJobsCount": 0,
  "childrenJobsProcessed": 0,
  "stoppable": true,
  "lowPriority": false

List jobs

GET /status/jobs

Lists jobs in the app.

GET /status/jobs
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

Multiple types can be specified, separated by commas.
statusnoThe status of the job(s) to filter. Possible values include: PENDING, RUNNING, FINISHED, STOPPING, STOPPED, CANCELING, CANCELED.
Multiple statuses can be specified, separated by commas.
hasErrorsnoFilter jobs based on whether they have errors. Use “true” to retrieve only jobs with errors or “false” to get jobs without errors.
startFromnoFilter jobs by their start date, specifying the initial range limit. Can be used alone or in combination with startTo.
startTonoFilter jobs by their start date, specifying the final range limit. Can be used alone or in combination with startFrom.
endFromnoFilter jobs by their end date, specifying the initial range limit. Can be used alone or in combination with endTo.
endTonoFilter jobs by their end date, specifying the final range limit. Can be used alone or in combination with endFrom.
createFromnoFilter jobs by their creation date, specifying the initial range limit. Can be used alone or in combination with createTo.
createTonoFilter jobs by their creation date, specifying the final range limit. Can be used alone or in combination with createFrom.
_sizeno20The maximum number of jobs to retrieve in a single query.
_offsetnoThe offset to start retrieving jobs. The query will return the appropriate offset for subsequent requests to retrieve more jobs.

A list of jobs in JSON format.

GET /status/jobs
< Content-Type: application/json

  "total": 54,
  "offset": "5890d8ddb45fc9000bc1c2cf",
  "items": [
      "id": "5890d8deb45fc9000bc1c2d3",
      "id": "5890d8deb45fc9000bc1c2d1",
      "id": "5890d8ddb45fc9000bc1c2cf",

totalThe total number of jobs matched by the query.
offsetThe offset to use to get more jobs.
itemsThe jobs found.
// finds up to three finished jobs

GET /status/jobs?status=FINISHED&_size=3
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

GET /status/jobs?status=FINISHED&_size=3
< Content-Type: application/json

  "total": 50,
  "offset": "5890d8ddb45fc9000bc1c2cf",
  "items": [
      "id": "5890d8deb45fc9000bc1c2d3",
      "id": "5890d8deb45fc9000bc1c2d1",
      "id": "5890d8ddb45fc9000bc1c2cf",

Get logs of a job

GET /status/jobs/{id}/logs

Query logs from a job.

GET /status/jobs/{id}/logs
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

periodnoFilter logs by a time span. For example, you can use “3h 30m” to query logs from the last 3 hours and 30 minutes. You can also specify "today" or "yesterday."
If specified, the “from” and “to” parameters will be ignored. The format is the same as used for time duration fields.
fromnoThe minimum timestamp in milliseconds since Epoch.
tonoThe maximum timestamp in milliseconds since Epoch.
levelnoFilter logs by log levels. Multiple levels can be specified, separated by commas.
Possible values include INFO, WARN, and ERROR.
messagenoFilter logs by searching for a partial message match.
_sizeno200The maximum number of log entries to retrieve in a single query.
_offsetnoThe offset to start retrieving log entries. The query will return the appropriate offset for subsequent requests to retrieve more log entries.

A list of logs in JSON format.

GET /status/jobs/{id}/logs
< Content-Type: application/json

  "total": 3,
  "items": [
      "timestamp": 1485887710544,
      "level": "INFO",
      "message": "Starting processing"
      "timestamp": 1485887710546,
      "level": "INFO",
      "message": "Cleaning up"
      "timestamp": 1485887710704,
      "level": "INFO",
      "message": "Process completed"

totalThe total number of logs matched by the query.
offsetThe offset to use to get more logs.
itemsThe logs found, each containing three fields:
- timestamp: The timestamp when the log was created.
- level: The level of the log, which could be INFO, WARN, or ERROR.
- message: The message in the logs.
Possible errors
Error codeHTTP Status CodeDescription
notFound404The job doesn’t exist.
// finds logs for one job

GET /status/job/5890d8deb45fc9000bc1c2d3/logs
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

GET /status/job/5890d8deb45fc9000bc1c2d3/logs
< Content-Type: application/json

  "total": 3,
  "items": [
      "timestamp": 1485887710544,
      "level": "INFO",
      "message": "Starting processing"
      "timestamp": 1485887710546,
      "level": "INFO",
      "message": "Cleaning up"
      "timestamp": 1485887710704,
      "level": "INFO",
      "message": "Process completed"

Stop job

PUT /status/jobs/{id}/stop

This action allows you to stop a job. If the job was running, it might take some time to stop gracefully. During this time, the status will be set to "STOPPING." Once the job has been successfully stopped in a graceful manner, the status will change to "STOPPED."

It’s important to note that jobs that have been stopped can be resumed.

PUT /status/jobs/{id}/stop
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token


The job in JSON format.

PUT /status/jobs/{id}/stop
< Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "588a02c13b063a0007605032",
  "status": "STOPPING",

Possible errors
Error CodeHTTP Status CodeDescription
badRequest404Indicates that the job cannot be stopped. This can happen if jobs of this type cannot be stopped or if the job is not a root job.
forbidden403Signifies that you don’t have the necessary permissions to stop this job. If you are not a developer, you can only stop jobs that you initiated.
notFound404Indicates that the job was not found.
stops a job

PUT /status/jobs/588a02c13b063a0007605032/stop
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

PUT /status/jobs/588a02c13b063a0007605032/stop
< Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "588a02c13b063a0007605032",
  "status": "STOPPING",

Force to stop job

PUT /status/jobs/{id}/forceStop

When attempting to stop a job, the system will first try to stop it gracefully. However, if the job continues to run and you need to forcibly terminate it, you have the option to force stop it, which will immediately terminate the job.

It’s important to keep in mind that forcibly stopping a job can lead to the interruption of the processing it was performing, potentially leaving data in an inconsistent or undesirable state. Therefore, it should only be used in exceptional cases where no other option is available.

PUT /status/jobs/{id}/forceStop
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token


The job in JSON format.

PUT /status/jobs/{id}/forceStop
< Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "588a02c13b063a0007605032",
  "status": "STOPPED",

Possible errors
Error CodeHTTP Status CodeDescription
badRequest404Indicates that the job cannot be stopped. This may occur if jobs of this type cannot be stopped, if it’s not a root job, or if its status is different from STOPPING.
forbidden403Signifies that you don’t have the necessary permissions to stop this job. If you are not a developer, you can only stop jobs that you initiated.
notFound404Indicates that the job was not found.
// force to stop a job

PUT /status/jobs/588a02c13b063a0007605032/forceStop
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

PUT /status/jobs/588a02c13b063a0007605032/forceStop
< Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "588a02c13b063a0007605032",
  "status": "STOPPED",

Cancel job

PUT /status/jobs/{id}/cancel

Cancels a job. Only jobs that are in STOPPED can be canceled.

It’s important to note that jobs that have been canceled can be resumed.

PUT /status/jobs/{id}/cancel
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token


The job in JSON format.

PUT /status/jobs/{id}/cancel
< Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "588a02c13b063a0007605032",
  "status": "CANCELED",

Possible errors
Error CodeHTTP Status CodeDescription
badRequest404Indicates that the job cannot be canceled. This could be due to the job being in a bad status or not being a root job.
forbidden403Signifies that you lack the necessary permissions to cancel this job. If you are not a developer, you can only cancel jobs that you initiated.
notFound404Indicates that the job was not found.
// cancels a job

PUT /status/jobs/588a02c13b063a0007605032/cancel
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

PUT /status/jobs/588a02c13b063a0007605032/cancel
< Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "588a02c13b063a0007605032",
  "status": "CANCELED",

Resume job

PUT /status/jobs/{id}/resume

Resuming a job that has been stopped will allow it to continue execution from where it left off. However, if the job was not started when it was stopped, its status will be set to "PENDING" instead of "RUNNING."

PUT /status/jobs/{id}/resume
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token


The job in JSON format.

PUT /status/jobs/{id}/resume
< Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "588a02c13b063a0007605032",
  "status": "RUNNING",

Possible errors
Error CodeHTTP Status CodeDescription
badRequest404Indicates that the job cannot be resumed. This may occur if the job is in a bad status or is not a root job.
forbidden403Signifies that you lack the necessary permissions to resume this job. If you are not a developer, you can only resume jobs that you initiated.
notFound404Indicates that the job was not found.
//  resumes a job

PUT /status/jobs/588a02c13b063a0007605032/resume
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> token: token

PUT /status/jobs/588a02c13b063a0007605032/resume
< Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "588a02c13b063a0007605032",
  "status": "RUNNING",