Discover available icons
Here is a list of the available icons and their corresponding codes for the app:
Icon | Code |
3d-rotation | |
airplane-off | |
airplane | |
album | |
archive | |
assignment-account | |
assignment-alert | |
assignment-check | |
assignment-o | |
assignment-return | |
assignment-returned | |
assignment | |
attachment-alt | |
attachment | |
audio | |
badge-check | |
balance-wallet | |
balance-wallet | |
balance | |
battery-alert | |
battery-flash | |
battery-unknown | |
battery | |
bike | |
block-alt | |
block | |
boat | |
book-image | |
book | |
bookmark-outline | |
bookmark | |
brush | |
bug | |
bus | |
cake | |
car-taxi | |
car-wash | |
car | |
card-giftcard | |
card-membership | |
card-travel | |
card | |
case-check | |
case-download | |
case-play | |
case | |
cast-connected | |
cast | |
chart-donut | |
chart | |
city-alt | |
city | |
close-circle-o | |
close-circle | |
close | |
cocktail | |
code-setting | |
code-smartphone | |
code | |
coffee | |
collection-bookmark | |
collection-case-play | |
collection-folder-image | |
collection-image-o | |
collection-image | |
collection-item-1 | |
collection-item-2 | |
collection-item-3 | |
collection-item-4 | |
collection-item-5 | |
collection-item-6 | |
collection-item-7 | |
zmdi-collection-item-8 | |
collection-item-9-plus | |
collection-item-9 | |
collection-item | |
collection-music | |
collection-pdf | |
collection-plus | |
collection-speaker | |
collection-text | |
collection-video | |
compass | |
cutlery | |
delete | |
dialpad | |
dns | |
drink | |
edit | |
email-open | |
eye-off | |
eye | |
eyedropper | |
favorite-outline | |
favorite | |
filter-list | |
fire | |
flag | |
flare | |
flash-auto | |
flash-off | |
flash | |
flip | |
flower-alt | |
flower | |
font | |
fullscreen-alt | |
fullscreen-exit | |
fullscreen | |
functions | |
gas-station | |
gesture | |
globe-alt | |
fullscreen | |
globe-lock | |
globe | |
graduation-cap | |
group | |
home | |
hospital-alt | |
hospital | |
hotel | |
hourglass-alt | |
hourglass-outline | |
hourglass | |
http | |
image-alt | |
image-o | |
image | |
inbox | |
invert-colors-off | |
invert-colors | |
key | |
label-alt-outline | |
label-alt | |
label-heart | |
label | |
labels | |
lamp | |
landscape | |
layers-off | |
layers | |
library | |
link | |
lock-open | |
lock-outline | |
lock | |
mail-reply-all | |
mail-reply | |
mail-send | |
mall | |
map | |
menu | |
money-box | |
money-off | |
money | |
more-vert | |
more | |
movie-alt | |
movie | |
open-in-browser | |
open-in-new | |
palette | |
parking | |
pin-account | |
pin-assistant | |
pin-drop | |
pin-help | |
pin-off | |
pin | |
pizza | |
plaster | |
power-setting | |
power | |
puzzle-piece | |
quote | |
railway | |
receipt | |
refresh-alt | |
refresh-sync-alert | |
refresh-sync-off | |
refresh-sync | |
refresh | |
roller | |
ruler | |
scissors | |
screen-rotation-lock | |
screen-rotation | |
search-for | |
search-in-file | |
search-in-page | |
search-replace | |
search | |
seat | |
settings-square | |
settings | |
shape | |
shield-check | |
shield-security | |
shopping-basket | |
shopping-cart-plus | |
shopping-cart | |
| |
sort-amount-asc | |
sort-amount-desc | |
sort-asc | |
sort-desc | |
spellcheck | |
spinner | |
storage | |
store-24 | |
store | |
subway | |
sun | |
tab-unselected | |
tab | |
tag-close | |
tag-more | |
tag | |
thumb-down | |
thumb-up-down | |
thumb-up | |
ticket-star | |
toll | |
toys | |
traffic | |
translate | |
triangle-down | |
triangle-up | |
truck | |
turning-sign | |
ungroup | |
wallpaper | |
washing-machine | |
window-maximize | |
window-minimize | |
window-restore | |
wrench | |
zoom-in | |
zoom-out | |
alert-circle-o | |
alert-circle | |
alert-octagon | |
alert-polygon | |
alert-triangle | |
help-outline | |
help | |
info-outline | |
info | |
notifications-active | |
notifications-add | |
notifications-none | |
notifications-off | |
notifications-paused | |
notifications | |
account-add | |
account-box-mail | |
account-box-o | |
account-box-phone | |
account-box | |
account-calendar | |
account-circle | |
account-o | |
account | |
accounts-add | |
accounts-alt | |
accounts-list-alt | |
accounts-list | |
accounts-outline | |
accounts | |
face | |
female | |
male-alt | |
male-female | |
male | |
mood-bad | |
mood | |
run | |
walk | |
cloud-box | |
cloud-circle | |
cloud-done | |
cloud-download | |
cloud-off | |
cloud-outline-alt | |
cloud-outline | |
cloud-upload | |
cloud | |
download | |
file-plus | |
file-text | |
file | |
folder-outline | |
folder-person | |
folder-star-alt | |
folder-star | |
folder | |
gif | |
upload | |
border-all | |
border-bottom | |
border-clear | |
border-color | |
border-horizontal | |
border-inner | |
border-left | |
border-outer | |
border-right | |
border-style | |
border-top | |
border-vertical | |
copy | |
crop | |
format-align-center | |
format-align-justify | |
format-align-left | |
format-align-right | |
format-bold | |
format-clear-all | |
format-clear | |
format-color-fill | |
format-color-reset | |
format-color-text | |
format-indent-decrease | |
format-indent-increase | |
format-italic | |
format-line-spacing | |
format-list-bulleted | |
format-list-numbered | |
format-ltr | |
format-rtl | |
format-size | |
format-strikethrough-s | |
format-strikethrough | |
format-subject | |
format-underlined | |
format-valign-bottom | |
format-valign-center | |
format-valign-top | |
redo | |
select-all | |
space-bar | |
text-format | |
transform | |
undo | |
wrap-text | |
comment-alert | |
comment-alt-text | |
comment-alt | |
comment-edit | |
comment-image | |
comment-list | |
comment-more | |
comment-outline | |
comment-text-alt | |
comment-text | |
comment-video | |
comment | |
comments | |
check-all | |
check-circle-u | |
check-circle | |
check-square | |
check | |
circle-o | |
circle | |
dot-circle-alt | |
dot-circle | |
minus-circle-outline | |
minus-circle | |
minus-square | |
minus | |
plus-circle-o-duplicate | |
plus-circle-o | |
plus-circle | |
plus-square | |
plus | |
square-o | |
star-circle | |
star-half | |
star-outline | |
star | |
bluetooth-connected | |
bluetooth-off | |
bluetooth-search | |
bluetooth-setting | |
bluetooth | |
camera-add | |
camera-alt | |
camera-bw | |
camera-front | |
camera-mic | |
camera-party-mode | |
camera-rear | |
camera-roll | |
camera-switch | |
camera | |
card-alert | |
card-off | |
card-sd | |
card-sim | |
desktop-mac | |
desktop-windows | |
device-hub | |
devices-off | |
devices | |
dock | |
floppy | |
gamepad | |
gps-dot | |
gps-off | |
gps | |
headset-mic | |
headset | |
input-antenna | |
input-composite | |
input-hdmi | |
input-power | |
input-svideo | |
keyboard-hide | |
keyboard | |
laptop-chromebook | |
laptop-mac | |
laptop | |
mic-off | |
mic-outline | |
mic-setting | |
mic | |
mouse | |
network-alert | |
network-locked | |
network-off | |
network-outline | |
network-setting | |
network | |
phone-bluetooth | |
phone-end | |
phone-forwarded | |
phone-in-talk | |
phone-locked | |
phone-missed | |
phone-msg | |
phone-paused | |
phone-ring | |
phone-setting | |
phone-sip | |
phone | |
portable-wifi-changes | |
portable-wifi-off | |
portable-wifi | |
radio | |
reader | |
remote-control-alt | |
remote-control | |
router | |
scanner | |
smartphone-android | |
smartphone-download | |
smartphone-erase | |
smartphone-info | |
smartphone-iphone | |
smartphone-landscape-lock | |
smartphone-landscape | |
smartphone-lock | |
smartphone-portrait-lock | |
smartphone-ring | |
smartphone-setting | |
smartphone-setup | |
smartphone | |
speaker | |
tablet-android | |
tablet-mac | |
tablet | |
tv-alt-play | |
tv-list | |
tv-play | |
tv | |
usb | |
videocam-off | |
videocam-switch | |
videocam | |
watch | |
wifi-alt-2 | |
wifi-alt | |
wifi-info | |
wifi-lock | |
wifi-off | |
wifi-outline | |
wifi | |
arrow-left-bottom | |
arrow-left | |
arrow-merge | |
arrow-missed | |
arrow-right-top | |
arrow-right | |
arrow-split | |
arrows | |
caret-down-circle | |
caret-down | |
caret-left-circle | |
chevron-down | |
chevron-left | |
chevron-right | |
chevron-up | |
forward | |
long-arrow-down | |
long-arrow-left | |
long-arrow-return | |
long-arrow-right | |
long-arrow-tab | |
long-arrow-up | |
rotate-ccw | |
rotate-cw | |
rotate-left | |
rotate-right | |
square-down | |
square-right | |
swap-alt | |
swap-vertical-circle | |
swap-vertical | |
swap | |
trending-down | |
trending-flat | |
trending-up | |
unfold-less | |
unfold-more | |
directions-bike | |
directions-boat | |
directions-bus | |
directions-car | |
directions-railway | |
directions-run | |
directions-subway | |
directions-walk | |
directions | |
layers-off | |
layers | |
local-activity | |
local-airport | |
local-atm | |
local-bar | |
local-cafe | |
local-car-wash | |
local-convenience-store | |
local-dining | |
local-drink | |
local-florist | |
local-gas-station | |
local-grocery-store | |
local-hospital | |
local-hotel | |
local-laundry-service | |
local-library | |
local-mall | |
local-movies | |
local-offer | |
local-parking | |
local-pharmacy | |
local-phone | |
local-pizza | |
local-activity | |
local-post-office | |
local-printshop | |
local-see | |
local-shipping | |
local-store | |
local-taxi | |
local-wc | |
map | |
my-location | |
nature-people | |
nature | |
navigation | |
pin-account | |
pin-assistant | |
pin-drop | |
pin-help | |
pin-off | |
pin | |
traffic | |
apps | |
grid-off | |
grid | |
view-agenda | |
view-array | |
view-carousel | |
view-column | |
view-comfy | |
view-compact | |
view-dashboard | |
view-day | |
view-headline | |
view-list-alt | |
view-list | |
view-module | |
view-quilt | |
view-stream | |
view-subtitles | |
view-toc | |
view-web | |
view-week | |
widgets | |
alarm-check | |
alarm-off | |
alarm-plus | |
alarm-snooze | |
alarm | |
calendar-alt | |
calendar-check | |
calendar-close | |
calendar-note | |
calendar | |
time-countdown | |
time-interval | |
time-restore-setting | |
time-restore | |
time | |
timer-off | |
timer | |
android-alt | |
android | |
apple | |
behance | |
codepen | |
dribbble | |
dropbox | |
evernote | |
facebook-box | |
github-box | |
github | |
google-drive | |
google-earth | |
google-glass | |
google-maps | |
google-pages | |
google-play | |
google-plus-box | |
google-plus | |
language-css3 | |
language-html5 | |
language-javascript | |
language-python-alt | |
language-python | |
lastfm | |
linkedin-box | |
paypal | |
pinterest-box | |
polymer | |
rss | |
share | |
stackoverflow | |
steam-square | |
steam | |
twitter-box | |
vk | |
wikipedia | |
windows | |
500px | |
8tracks | |
amazon | |
blogger | |
delicious | |
disqus | |
flattr | |
flickr | |
github-alt | |
google-old | |
odnoklassniki | |
outlook | |
paypal-alt | |
playstation | |
skype | |
slideshare | |
soundcloud | |
tumblr | |
twitch | |
vimeo | |
xbox | |
yahoo | |
youtube-play | |
youtube | |
aspect-ratio-alt | |
aspect-ratio | |
blur-circular | |
blur-linear | |
blur-off | |
blur | |
brightness-2 | |
brightness-3 | |
brightness-4 | |
brightness-5 | |
brightness-6 | |
brightness-7 | |
brightness-auto | |
brightness-setting | |
broken-image | |
center-focus-strong | |
center-focus-weak | |
compare | |
crop-16-9 | |
crop-3-2 | |
crop-5-4 | |
crop-7-5 | |
crop-din | |
crop-free | |
crop-landscape | |
crop-portrait | |
crop-square | |
exposure-alt | |
exposure | |
filter-b-and-w | |
filter-center-focus | |
filter-frames | |
filter-tilt-shift | |
gradient | |
grain | |
graphic-eq | |
hdr-off | |
hdr-strong | |
hdr-weak | |
hdr | |
iridescent | |
leak-off | |
leak | |
looks | |
loupe | |
panorama-horizontal | |
panorama-vertical | |
panorama-wide-angle | |
photo-size-select-large | |
photo-size-select-small | |
picture-in-picture | |
slideshow | |
texture | |
tonality | |
vignette | |
wb-auto | |
eject-alt | |
eject | |
equalizer | |
fast-forward | |
fast-rewind | |
forward-10 | |
forward-30 | |
forward-5 | |
hearing | |
pause-circle-outline | |
pause-circle | |
pause | |
play-circle-outline | |
play-circle | |
play | |
playlist-audio | |
playlist-plus | |
repeat-one | |
repeat | |
replay-10 | |
replay-30 | |
replay-5 | |
replay | |
shuffle | |
skip-next | |
skip-previous | |
stop | |
surround-sound | |
tune | |
volume-down | |
volume-mute | |
volume-off | |
volume-up | |
n-1-square | |
n-2-square | |
n-3-square | |
n-4-square | |
n-5-square | |
n-6-square | |
neg-1 | |
neg-2 | |
plus-1 | |
plus-2 | |
sec-10 | |
sec-3 | |
zero | |
airline-seat-flat-angled | |
airline-seat-flat | |
airline-seat-individual-suite | |
airline-seat-legroom-extra | |
airline-seat-legroom-normal | |
airline-seat-legroom-reduced | |
airline-seat-recline-extra | |
airline-seat-recline-normal | |
airplay | |
closed-caption | |
confirmation-number | |
developer-board | |
disc-full | |
explicit | |
flight-land | |
flight-takeoff | |
flip-to-back | |
flip-to-front | |
group-work | |
hd | |
hq | |
markunread-mailbox | |
memory | |
nfc | |
play-for-work | |
power-input | |
present-to-all | |
satellite | |
tap-and-play | |
vibration | |
voicemail |