Metadata edition

Overview of how metadata can be edited.

General description

Upon clicking on a node within the navigation tree, a corresponding view will appear in the central panel of the app builder. Depending on the resources associated, this view may either present a table showcasing details about sub-items or an editable form featuring labels and values that reflect the various settings tied to the selected resource.

Central panel view

In each of these views, you’ll immediately notice a top header containing specific elements. On the left side of this header, the breadcrumb navigation displays the current context path within the metadata tree, along with links to each parent node’s view. On the right side, a set of buttons enables various operations related to the particular resource. Common operations include: cancel, reset, delete, apply, save, show history, and find usages.

Action buttons

  • Cancel: Closes the current form and redirects to the parent metadata node.
  • Reset: Restores the form and all associated setting values to the previously saved state.
  • Delete: Removes the current resource and redirects to the parent metadata node.
  • Apply: Attempts to save the form and all current settings of the specific resource. It won’t redirect to another URL afterward.
  • Save: Tries to save the form and all current settings of a resource. After saving changes, it will redirect you to the parent node of that resource.
  • Show History: Located within the tools button. Clicking this action displays a view in the central panel featuring a table that outlines the history of changes connected to the present resource. Find more information about this view here.
  • Find Usages: Within the tools button, clicking this action reveals the right panel in the usages tab. It presents a list of all locations where the current resource has been utilized.