The List Iterator is a control flow statement designed for iterating through items within a collection, such as result sets or multiple fields. This step facilitates the inclusion of other steps within it. The behavior of this step encapsulates the behavior of the nested steps, enabling structured traversal of the collection.
The flow initiates, the "foreach" step updates and saves each of the records discovered in the "find data" step, and finally, the execution concludes with the "end" step.
A subflow is a grouping of steps that are condensed into a single step within the execution path. It can be employed to simplify the visual representation of a flow, or to bundle a set of steps as a reusable component used across various instances.
The flow initiates, and the "subflow" step executes the set of steps specified within the subflow. If an error occurs during the execution of these steps, the error will be recorded, and the execution will be terminated.
The error handler step enables you to define a code block that is examined for errors while it runs. This step also permits the inclusion of other steps within it. The behavior of this step encompasses the behavior of the nested steps, providing error-handling capabilities.
The flow begins, and the "try-catch" step runs the script. If an error occurs during the execution of the script, the error will be recorded, and the execution will be terminated.
This control flow statement enables the repeated execution of steps based on a specified boolean condition. It supports the inclusion of other steps within it, thus allowing for the nesting of steps.
The flow commences, and the "while" step logs as long as a specified condition remains true. Subsequently, the execution concludes with the "end" step.