Validation rules

Description of the flow designer's validation rules.

Certain rules must be adhered to in order to successfully save a flow. If any of these rules are not followed after clicking the Apply or Save button, a validation error notification will appear, and the changes won’t be saved.


  • The flow name must be unique within the app.
  • Each step name must be unique within the flow.
  • Both a Start step and at least one End step are mandatory.
  • The Start step should be unique.
  • Inputs must pass their respective validation rules.
  • Outputs must pass their respective validation rules.
  • There should be no steps without any connections except for the Context step and expanded versions of subflows.
  • Outside of group containers, every step, except for Start and End steps, should serve as the source and target of at least one connection.
  • Inside of group containers, only one step should not be the target of any connection. This step will be the initial step in the flow execution within the group.